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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 6062
6061  |  6063
Re: Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
Tue, 16 Jan 2007 21:52:53 GMT
3554 times
In, Timothy Gould wrote:
Looking at the comments so far we seem to be answering two different questions
so I'm going to explicitly ask both of them:

Should we try to model the idealised part?

Should a part by held if it matches a real part but not an "ideal" part?

This thread also seems to have brought up another very important question:

Are the current review policies too strict, preventing parts that are "good
enough" from getting in to users' hands in a timely manner?

I've seen a number of posts in this thread complaining about the standard of
perfection required to get parts approved, but I haven't seen any posts arguing
that the current way is good.  My personal opinion is that we should officially
sanction "(needs work)" in the title as a method of getting files into the
official library that have room for improvement, but it's not clear what what
the general consensus is.

I read the reviewing FAQ, and it definitely seems to encourage the current


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
(...) That's why as a part reviewer I try to follow this guidelines and I am much stricter that my own opinion would lead me. Yes, I am for some relaxation of the rules in order to get more "good enough" parts. Philo (17 years ago, 17-Jan-07, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Should pattern be like we -think- they should be?
(...) Looking at the comments so far we seem to be answering two different questions so I'm going to explicitly ask both of them: Should we try to model the idealised part? Should a part by held if it matches a real part but not an "ideal" part? Tim (17 years ago, 16-Jan-07, to

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