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Re: Parts Update 2002-04 Now Available
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 20:06:02 GMT
901 times
"Steve Bliss" <> skrev i meddelandet

What, the big "Updates" at the top of the page wasn't a clue? ;)

No, no really, as I _had_ LDRAW installed, but wanted to 'update' with all
available parts.

How about if I add this text somewhere near the top?

"The files provided on this page only include the updates to the LDraw
parts library.  If you are just getting started with LDraw, or need to
do a clean, complete installation, you will also need to basic library
files.  Please go here to get them."

Where the 'go here' is a hyperlink to the "Getting Started" page.

Sounds good, but not at the top, but right next to the 'Complete' download:

"This is the complete _update_, to get the complete _parts library_ you need
to start from the <link getting started>base installation</link>".

Happy building, (especially now that I've got all the parts :-)
Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Parts Update 2002-04 Now Available
(...) OK, I've updated the updates page. PLMKWYT. (...) :) Steve (23 years ago, 5-Sep-02, to lugnet.cad)
  Where are these to be found? (was Re: Parts Update 2002-04 Now Available)
(...) Hmmm, now I seem to be missing some elements or subfiles... Does anyone have or know where I can find: 1-4cone.dat stu22c.dat stu22cl.dat stu24b.dat ring5.dat ??? I tried getting them from via the filepath thingy and even the parts (...) (23 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Parts Update 2002-04 Now Available
(...) What, the big "Updates" at the top of the page wasn't a clue? ;) How about if I add this text somewhere near the top? "The files provided on this page only include the updates to the LDraw parts library. If you are just getting started with (...) (23 years ago, 3-Sep-02, to lugnet.cad)

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