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Re: Parts Update 2002-04 Now Available
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 01:10:03 GMT
582 times
In lugnet.announce, Steve Bliss writes:

The Parts Tracker is still closed down (or should be), and the 2002-04 parts
preview page is not yet available (as usual).  I hope to resolve both of
these situations shortly.

These issues are now both resolved - the new parts preview is available at
<>.  The Parts Tracker has
been refreshed and is once again open for business. parts reviewers, please notice the *24* files that are currently
certified, but were held back from the update.  These files all have some
other file they are waiting on.  In some cases, they're just waiting for an
admin review.  But most are waiting for more certifications from the regular

Once again...
You can get the new update at <>.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Parts Update 2002-04 Now Available
(...) Maybe enhance the "work the queue" to sort files that hold others a bit higher in the queue list than currently? Maybe use how many other parts they are holding back as a metric too? I dunno, maybe you do already. I'm behind in my reading. (...) (23 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To: Parts Update 2002-04 Now Available
This is a big one. :) This update contains 234 files, including some 93 new parts. You could call it "Revenge of the Minifigs" - 56 of the new parts are various minifig heads, torsos, legs, and accessories. As always, along with the new parts, there (...) (23 years ago, 19-Aug-02, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad, !! 

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