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Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
Tue, 7 Jun 2005 20:18:12 GMT
1540 times
In lugnet.cad, Niels Bugge wrote:
I personally use Submodels a lot for rotated sections.

If you place the rotation pin/point at origo in the submodel, you can leave the
rotation point at "parts origin" when you insert it in the level above. If
there's something at an odd angle in the submodeled section, I just make another
submodel of that and insert it in the first (and so forth).

Main file + (submodel + (submodel + (submodel)))

The drawback is that you end up with a lot of submodels, but on the other hand,
you get the possibility to go back and change everything on submodel level in
plain grid.

I'm planning of making a general (angling) MLCad tutorial some day, but my
webpage and a parts creation tutorial keep getting in the way, and I never seem
to the time for them either :-(


Our lurking friend WIlly Tschager mentioned that he has a tutorial on rotations
in MLCad.

It looks good Willy!  Thanks!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
(...) Agreed, why is all the good stuff hidden like that? There ought to be a link from the MLCad homepage to this! BTW, if you're lurking Willy, I can't see there's any link from (URL) to it, so how on earth are people going to find it? On a side (...) (20 years ago, 8-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
I personally use Submodels a lot for rotated sections. If you place the rotation pin/point at origo in the submodel, you can leave the rotation point at "parts origin" when you insert it in the level above. If there's something at an odd angle in (...) (20 years ago, 7-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad)

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