Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
Wed, 8 Jun 2005 23:56:26 GMT
13175 times
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In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
> I'd love to be wrong about this, so if you know how to rotate part(s) about an
> aribtrary axis in MLCad with simple button clicking, I'd like to be taught.
Not just a mouse, but Edit / Rotate / Keyboard Entry allows you to enter a full
rotation matrix (among other things). Of course you need to know what matrix
values to enter to get your desired result, but it's there in the GUI.
> What I'd like is to be able to click on an axle or pin, and have that define
> the rotation axle (axis). From there you would select other stuff that would
> rotate one of the two possible direction.
Yes, that WOULD be nice, but it would also require axles[1] to have extra info
indicating where the axis is. This info is not currently available in LDraw
parts. You could hard-code it for axles[1], but that doesn't seem like a good
solution to me - you'd have to update the program every time someone requested a
new part. And that's not even looking at parts which can rotate around multiple
If you wanna go down this path, I'd much rather see a new LDraw "AXIS"
meta-command defined.
1 - and any other part you want to use this for, eg pins, turntables
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
| (...) The new unpublished LSynth deals with this without any extra information. I use and LDraw file to desribe how to translate/rotate parts to the assumed default position/orientation. LSynth limits pulleys and gears to be planar. It also assumes (...) (20 years ago, 9-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
| (...) Travis, I understand 3D rotation matricies enough to know that they let you rotate around any axis, but I think MLCad's GUI only lets you rotate about, X, Y, or Z, because of limitations of its user interface. Michael has meta-commands for (...) (20 years ago, 8-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)
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