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Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
Wed, 8 Jun 2005 23:56:26 GMT
13175 times
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Kevin L. Clague wrote:

  I'd love to be wrong about this, so if you know how to rotate part(s) about an
aribtrary axis in MLCad with simple button clicking, I'd like to be taught.

Not just a mouse, but Edit / Rotate / Keyboard Entry allows you to enter a full
rotation matrix (among other things). Of course you need to know what matrix
values to enter to get your desired result, but it's there in the GUI.

  What I'd like is to be able to click on an axle or pin, and have that define
the rotation axle (axis).  From there you would select other stuff that would
rotate one of the two possible direction.

Yes, that WOULD be nice, but it would also require axles[1] to have extra info
indicating where the axis is. This info is not currently available in LDraw
parts. You could hard-code it for axles[1], but that doesn't seem like a good
solution to me - you'd have to update the program every time someone requested a
new part. And that's not even looking at parts which can rotate around multiple

If you wanna go down this path, I'd much rather see a new LDraw "AXIS"
meta-command defined.

1 - and any other part you want to use this for, eg pins, turntables


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
(...) The new unpublished LSynth deals with this without any extra information. I use and LDraw file to desribe how to translate/rotate parts to the assumed default position/orientation. LSynth limits pulleys and gears to be planar. It also assumes (...) (20 years ago, 9-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What about a LEGO TECHNIC tutorial
(...) Travis, I understand 3D rotation matricies enough to know that they let you rotate around any axis, but I think MLCad's GUI only lets you rotate about, X, Y, or Z, because of limitations of its user interface. Michael has meta-commands for (...) (20 years ago, 8-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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