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Re: My point.
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.general
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 04:12:31 GMT
238 times
In, Mike Rayhawk writes:
In, Matthew Moulton writes:
I've never forgotten Todd, not after the way I was hurt, and I won't forget

Seems awfully strange to mention the police at a time like this, right?

In various posts you have declared criminal intent and established motive.
You've admitted to having fabricated evidence for the purposes of deliberate
libel and in order to slander Todd and the Lugnet community at large.  You've
admitted to acting with the deliberate intent of disrupting the operation of
this on-line operation.  Believe it or not, the laws you've been breaking
today are fairly serious ones.  You should be aware that you are opening
yourself up to some serious repercussions, if someone here on LUGNET chooses
to take advantage of them.  I'm talking about the kind of repercussions that
can't be explained away by "I was just lying to toy with you guys."

Matthew's posting privileges are now disabled (to all groups) after the past
round of abusive messages he posted.  Lord knows if he's the same person who
identified himself/herself at "Madhatter" in RTL last year, but there's been
plenty enough damage and abuse here today.  If anyone feels that Matthew's
posting privileges should not be suspended, please speak up.

Out of curiosity, I checked the "feedback" form logs and found the following
comments[1], submitted Tue Oct 17 23:00:05 EDT 2000 from the same IP address
as Matthew's last news post:

On Wed, 18 Oct 2000 02:49:29 GMT, in you wrote:
In, Matthew Moulton writes:
[...]  I will repay the generosity and friendliness that was given to me
on RTL some three years ago and the update you all gave me today.

Almost sounds like a threat.


Unfortunately it's not, I'm not like you Todd, I don't
believe in ripping other people apart to build myself
up.  I'm only interested in sharing the truth with
other people.  If you're afraid of the truth, that's
too bad I guess.  Don't get me wrong Todd, I am in a
very easy position to threaten you if I wanted.  I
could trash yer precious news server in ways you
couldn't even begin to imagine, I could turn AUK back
into what it once was and use it to relentlessly
attack every aspect of the Lego community.  But I
won't, because I will not allow myself to bring it to
your level.  That's what makes me better than you Todd.

I'm curious if anyone can shed light on what "AUK" is and why anyone would
want to harm the LEGO community.  Also curious if anyone gets the impression
that Matthew might truly be dangerous or if he is just blowing steam.


[1] Yes, I have permission to republish these comments here.  It's part of
the Terms of Use Agreement that anything submitted to LUGNET is subject to
being republished.  I don't regularly post feedback comments publicly, of
course...this is the first time, and I hope it's the last.

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: My point.
(...) alt.usenet.kooks? (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to, lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: My point.
(...) AUK = alt.usenet.kooks, in my 'net experience. it's a newsgroup used mostly for flaming/trolling, and it's where people like Matthew end up. some of the regulars there are bad news. (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to, lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: My point.
(...) Fells like that? whoa... Thank you Todd, I feel like you shouldn't wait this much..:-) I personally believe that if I can't find anything to say for an individual's behavior other than "what kind of an *** **** are you?" (I know much better (...) (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to, lugnet.admin.general)
  Re: My point.
(...) AUK is defintely alt.usenet.kooks. I have spent some time there myself, it is definitely a flame group. The entire purpose of the group is to ridicule, well, "usenet kooks". People that post there generally get there in one of two ways- either (...) (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to, lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My point.
(...) It's not always important that everyone agrees with you, you've just got to be careful about whether the really important people disagree with you. Like the police for instance. (...) Seems awfully strange to mention the police at a time like (...) (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to

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