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 Trains / 26566
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Addressable IR signal space?
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 18:43:35 GMT
2678 times
In lugnet.trains, Brian Davis wrote:
The standard RCX firmware can transmit and receive RCX messages (they
appear in the firmware as numbers from 0 to 255) or transmit (not
recieve... wel, not in an easy to locate way) "raw" serial data;
the Manas codes are implemented using serial data...

I've got a question along these lines:

Is there any "addressable space" left over in the messaging system for Manas?
In other words, they've already got 3 "channels" implemented as different sets
of codes for the Manas.  Have they used up all of the available messages, or
could they easily fit in three new channels?

My hope is that the trains don't use the same signals as the Manas, and so you
could still use Mana devices on the layout.

Tony Hafner

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Thoughts on Battery-powered IR-controlled trains
(...) Actualy, so can a remote. The IR signal from the RCX is fairly "bright" (i.e.- you don't need the RCX pointed right into the Manas IR receive units to function, it can be bounced off other objects). (...) We don't, although I suspect strongly (...) (18 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego)

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