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Re: Thoughts on Battery-powered IR-controlled trains
lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 00:31:25 GMT
6916 times
Also if the RCX is NOT directly powering the trains then the RCX 1.0 (with AC
jack) isn't manditory. I would love to see the IR train be controled by the RCX.

Is reverse engineering the IR codes for the IR train hard to do? Should I try to
get the IR control codes spec and post it on ILTCO web site? Who knows how to
program the RCX with new IR codes? (Is it that easy???)


The biggest news to me at BrickFest on this was IR control - the RCX can
transmit IR, and we've already got it running things like Manas (that may use a
very similar protocol). So multiple, RCX-controled (but not powered) trains
become a possibility, with the RCX inputs and outputs dedicated to just
controling layout features (points, animation, train sensing).

And this requires no modification whatsoever, just careful coding of the RCX for
IR control. One RCX, controling multiple trains, switching tracks, and loading &
unloading stations. If the train folks don't enjoy this, I assure you there's
some mindstorms types that are chomping at the bit.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Thoughts on Battery-powered IR-controlled trains
(...) The problem you're gonna find is that the RCX can only point in 1 direction at once. Unless you have many spaced around your layout, you're not gonna be able to control the trains at every point on the layout. That may not be a problem - if (...) (18 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego)
  Re: Thoughts on Battery-powered IR-controlled trains
(...) I cracked the Manas codes in ten minutes with a photodiode and an oscilloscope. Turned out they were very easy to transmit from the RCX. I suppose TLG could go to the trouble of inventing an entirely new scheme, but why? The only scary thing (...) (18 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Thoughts on Battery-powered IR-controlled trains
(...) Note that for the strong of heart, this might still allow smaller trolleys... with some ABS shavings. But hacking the motor to allow RP and IR controlability seems a likely direction in any event. (...) Or even when you aren't. The biggest (...) (18 years ago, 12-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.dear-lego)

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