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Re: The barque Dodelijke Klompschoen
Mon, 13 Jun 2005 23:10:38 GMT
5150 times
In lugnet.pirates, Robert van Dijk wrote:
   Well Richie, that’s certainly a ‘big’ ship there.

However, one sidenote: The name should be ‘Dodelijke Klompschoen’ (notice the extra e) I am not exactly sure what the name is supposed to mean since ‘Klompschoen’ is not an existing dutch word. ‘dodelijke’ means ‘deadly’, ‘schoen’ means ‘shoe’ but ‘klomp’ has two different meanings: ‘Clog’ or ‘lump/slug’

So the tranlation should be: ‘Deadly Clogshoe’ which is quite silly or ‘Deadly Lumpshoe’. That sounds just as bad in my opinion......

I used an online translator. The idea was ‘Deadly Clog’ (which is quite silly). I did mean to include a note/apology to dutch speakers in my post, but forgot to add it in all the excitement of the moment.

   And completely off-topic:

In your Custom wide-hull thread you said that the use of more than 4 16-wide center hullpieces makes a ship look too narrow.

No I did not!!! What I said was “While I still maintain my view that six hull sections isn’t necessarily canoelike, what spurred me to do this cutting was the desire for more deck space.”. Click on the link to see my views on ‘too narrowness’.

   Well, I’ve build** quite alot of pirate ships, including one with five centerpieces and it has quite the lengthwith proportions of a real 18th century ship.


   ** Since I do not own a single real LEGO piece I build solely ‘virtual’ on the computer using LDraw/LeoCAD Unfortunately, I’m still missing the virtual parts for the mast middle piece and the 27-long rigging. When these are available I will post some images of my ships........



Richie Dulin

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The barque Dodelijke Klompschoen
(...) Ok, Well that's cleared up then (BUT WE HAD OUR FUN AND IT DOES LOOK LIKE A CLOG!!) and for the sake of completeness: the name should be: Dodelijke Klomp (What's with the captain's name: 'Puntblazer' HaHaHa I don't even dare to try to (...) (19 years ago, 14-Jun-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The barque Dodelijk Klompschoen
Well Richie, that's certainly a 'big' ship there. However, one sidenote: The name should be 'Dodelijke Klompschoen' (notice the extra e) I am not exactly sure what the name is supposed to mean since 'Klompschoen' is not an existing dutch word. (...) (19 years ago, 12-Jun-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)

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