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Re: The barque Dodelijke Klompschoen
Mon, 13 Jun 2005 23:21:04 GMT
5095 times
In lugnet.pirates, Nathan Todd wrote:
   I am impressed! She would probably be impossible to sink with that..erm...‘reinforced’ hull. And with all those guns she would be a real menace..if she ever caught anyone... Of course assuming she floats she would destroy all the standard lego ships without firing a shot in ‘open water’...

Thanks so much for your pursuit of the unfashionable...and sharing its great results!

I am endeavouring to use all the ‘useless’ parts from 7075 in pirate type creations. I’ve just completed a pirate cutter that uses the much maligned triangular mizzen sail (pics soon). The only really difficult parts are the pulpit and the quarterdeck. (I thought about using the quartderdeck as a reinforcing plate inside the new Misérable, but that’s too much like cheating!)


Richie Dulin

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The barque Dodelijk Klompschoen
I am impressed! She would probably be impossible to sink with that..erm...'reinforced' hull. And with all those guns she would be a real menace..if she ever caught anyone... Of course assuming she floats she would destroy all the standard lego ships (...) (19 years ago, 12-Jun-05, to lugnet.pirates, FTX)

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