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Re: The Construction Abilities of a Pickle
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 15:18:52 GMT
1890 times
In lugnet.people, Jack Millikin writes:'s like Dilbert come to, is their excuse that we
have the constructive abilities of a pickle? or that we simply have the MIND
of a pickle? Mabye the next time they refute the 10:1 scale Death Star,
remind them that they shoved out Galidor...

One thing I was surprised to learn, is that one of the single most important
factors in set design is the age rating on the side of the box.  If it says
for instance "8-12" on the box cover, then Marketing goes out and grabs a
bunch of eight-year-olds who have never played with Lego before and gives
them each a copy of the set.  If any one of those eight-year-olds can't
build the set properly by themselves on the first try, then it gets sent
back for redesign (read: juniorization).

If you look at the lists of great old sets that they're offering up as "Lego
Classics," I don't think a single one of them would come even close to
getting through Marketing nowadays.

Believe me, I have a lot more to say on this subject but I suspect it would
eventually result in serious reprimands.  Before you ask, there is NO WAY to
convince Marketing to raise the age rating once they've decided on it.  You
wouldn't believe me if I told you some of the things we've done to try and
change their minds on this score.

So if you feel like a pickle, that's the reason.  All I can suggest is for
everybody reading this message to go out and buy a couple thousand Star
Destroyers, and then maybe Marketing will start taking the advanced market
segments more seriously.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Construction Abilities of a Pickle
(...) Just reminded me-- this may have been a fluke somewhere, but this set: (URL) had its age range change from 2001 to 2002! Also of note, it changed its piece count too (and various other box-art-tidbits). I'll have to check the boxes to see what (...) (21 years ago, 5-Mar-03, to lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
(...)'s like Dilbert come to, is their excuse that we have the constructive abilities of a pickle? or that we simply have the MIND of a pickle? Mabye the next time they refute the 10:1 scale Death Star, remind them that they (...) (21 years ago, 4-Mar-03, to lugnet.people)

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