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Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 19:07:53 GMT
1748 times
Ignoring all the Lego stuff: nice portfolio.  The Art Center in Pasadena is
a great school for illustration and design, for those who aren't familiar
with it (though I worked for a number of years just around the corner at the
Lab, I never quite figured out where it actually was located).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
(...) The secret's out! But keep it down - I don't think they've figured out who I am yet! ;) This job has been a real eye-opener for me - if there aren't enough high-detail sets hitting the shelves, it's not the fault of the designers. (*cough* (...) (21 years ago, 17-Feb-03, to lugnet.gaming)

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