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Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:55:35 GMT
2022 times
Great story and great luck Mike, it couldn’t have happened to a more worthy
guy. Did they at all review with you your dark side, or your panache for
mini-fig Mortal Kombat? I have always really loved your spin on traditional
mini-fig paintings. I just hope and pray that this all goes well, and that
you are not going to be the new painter in charge of the Galidor or Jack
Stone lines! :)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
(...) But just imagine if I were! You can bet you'd see a new spin on those two themes. In fact I might just do a painting like that for fun, I'm picturing that robot Jens glinching his arm into an industrial food pasteurizer and jamming Nick's head (...) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-03, to lugnet.people)

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  Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
(...) It was just about 99.44% luck, as much as I hate to admit it, and that's with a .56% margin of error. I had never even really considered working for Lego, the job just kind of fell in my lap. And here's the complete story! By total (...) (21 years ago, 18-Feb-03, to lugnet.people)

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