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Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 18:08:35 GMT
2008 times
In lugnet.people, Shaun Sullivan writes:
it would be amazing to have a large copy of this picture hanging
on a wall in one's LEGO room.

You are such a wiseguy.  And this is such a transparent gambit to give
yourself the opportunity to gloat.

There's another site I know Mike is familiar with, which also showcases some
great, albeit in some cases sacriligeious and controversial, minifig art.
Between that work and Mike's, LEGO rooms throughout the world could become
surreal retreats, even more so than they are now!

Hey, I'd forgotten about him!  Going back to look at the site now, I see
that I had also forgotten the many reasons he should never have been given
access to Flash.  If anybody's curious, his web address starts with
"www.plasticf" and ends with "" and I'll leave it to you to guess
the letter in between.  I can't really recommend it except as a curiosity
though - the pictures aren't offensive enough to interest anyone who enjoys
being offended, but they are still too offensive to interest anyone who
doesn't, and it takes a long time to load either way.  There is one painting
of Nazi Lego, which I suspect is why Shaun is so fond of the site.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
(...) No no no! My German militaria (sp?) is giving me a bad rap ... grrrrrrr. I should make a post refuting any implicit associations between the Wermacht and the Nazi party. Ugh. Definitely listen to the site mentioned above with the sound on, (...) (21 years ago, 18-Feb-03, to lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Just congrats to Mike Rayhawk
(...) I've always been a huge fan of this particular piece ... well, who am I kidding, I *love* minifig art or all kinds ... but this one in particular speaks to me. I really do hope you manage to come up with some sort of arrangement, it would be (...) (21 years ago, 18-Feb-03, to lugnet.people)

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