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Re: Very Sad News....
Wed, 24 Dec 2003 13:18:59 GMT
3399 times
This is still not sinking in as even the remotest of possibilities.

When Trav returned home for the holidays, he was looking forward to some time on the beach and relaxing with family and ‘his old crew’, in Travspeak. Like the rest of us, I just took it for granted that when we all got back to the boards and chat after the holidays, we would all tell each other of the trials and gaffs that occurred during the last couple weeks. Rest assured that many of us looked forward to Trav’s as they were most often the most entertaining, told in his unique style.

I only knew the man through daily chat over the last few months. Wherever you are Trav, know that you’ll be missed by new friends and old alike.

God bless,


Message is in Reply To:
  Very Sad News....
I and a couple of other's have been contacted with sad news. From an e-mail from hi my name is chuck senesac , i'm travis kunce birth father . i am having a hard time writing this so bare with me . sometime on the the morning (...) (20 years ago, 24-Dec-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.people,, FTX) !! 

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