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Re: Very Sad News....
Wed, 24 Dec 2003 09:50:56 GMT
2947 times
I only met Travis once, but I talked to him online on, at least, a weekly basis, if not much more regularly. He was a good guy. Some of the last conversations I had with him were about how he wanted to raise money so that Leonard Hoffman (I think?) and I could attend Brickfest PDX. I don’t think he ever looked very far into it, but the idea that he would care so much about a fellow AFOL he barely knew speaks volumes to me about his character. They certainly broke the mold when they made him, but I know my words could never do him justice.

I know I’ll miss speaking with him, as everyone else will. My heart goes out to his family and all his friends.

Build on, Travis.


Message is in Reply To:
  Very Sad News....
I and a couple of other's have been contacted with sad news. From an e-mail from hi my name is chuck senesac , i'm travis kunce birth father . i am having a hard time writing this so bare with me . sometime on the the morning (...) (20 years ago, 24-Dec-03, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.people,, FTX) !! 

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