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 Castle / 5590
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My first Castle MOC has been started!
Sat, 29 Jul 2000 06:55:16 GMT
2098 times
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for some pictures of the start of my new castle. It will be a Wolfpack castle
nestled on a clifside by the sea. A large sea cave will have a dock area and
an underground stream, with stairs leading up to the castle. A steep road will
hug the side of the cliff to provide a land entry. A bridge leads from the
base of the road across a river to the future site of a town.

The base is set up to separate into three sections. The river and bridge is
one section, the front cliff face is another, and the rest of the castle will
be on the largest section. The sections are laid out something like this:

|       |       |               | +---+-------+---+
| GREEN | BLUE  |  TAN          | |   |       |   |
|       |(river)|               | |TAN| BLUE  |TAN|
|       |       |               | |   |(river)|   |
+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |   |       |   |
|       |               |       | |   |       |   |
| TAN   | BLUE          | TAN   | |   |       |   |
|       |               |       | |   |       |   |
|       | (sea cave)    |       | |   |       |   |
|       |               |       | |   |       |   |
|       |               |       | +---+-------+---+
|       |               |       | |               |
|       |               |       | | BLUE          |
|       |               |       | |               |
+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |               |
+---------------+---------------+ |               |
|               |               | |               |
| BLUE          | BLUE          | |               |
| (cliff face)  | (cliff face)  | |               |
|               |               | |               |
+---------------+---------------+ +-------+-------+

I hope I have enough bricks, though one of the purposes of this castle is to
use up some of my BURPS (I've got a copier paper box almost full of dark grey
BURPS, and then the gery BURPS fill the box cover, and there is a small bag of
other colored BURPS).

I'd love for this castle to exist somewhere in Castle World. I haven't made my
Wolpack leader minifig yet, but perhaps I will take a break from castle
construction tomorrow.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My first Castle MOC has been started!
Man Frank, I thought my room was bad! how do you find anything in there??? I've got stuff in bags all over my room right now, and I can't seem to remember which bag has what it in if it's a misc. bag... I know I need to sit down and do some serious (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle,

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