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 Castle / 16001
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Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
Sat, 8 Feb 2003 21:29:56 GMT
962 times
In lugnet.castle, Daniel Mattia writes:

Great story, Matt.  Very intriguing.  You
should make a storyline of that, with pics
and all...Now that would be Castle...Booya!


Yep, and just to think I was just messing
around when I wrote the castle chronology.
(Actually, I considered earlier doing a
story based on the history of lego castle
factions, but for now, I'm concentrating
on completing the first volume of my story,
Anachronistic Skies.) it's a long story,
but you can read small portions here...

But if I had the time and the resources,
I wouldn't hesitate at all to start a
project like that.

Anyway, thanks for the comments.

<<_Matt Hein_>>
Fellow lego enthusiast
O s p r e y

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
Great story, Matt. Very intriguing. You should make a storyline of that, with pics and all...Now that would be Castle...Booya! ~Dan (URL) (21 years ago, 5-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)

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