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 Castle / 15868
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Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
Mon, 3 Feb 2003 19:32:07 GMT
419 times
In lugnet.castle, Micheal Hassall writes:
I was setting up a castle battle diorama last week when I thought, "Hey, in
Castle Lego, who is bad?". I mean in the newest theme, the bull guys were
clearly bad guys. But just one theme earlyer, the fright nights had no enemy
as far as i remember, but seemed to be evil. considering they were on their
own the could have been good or evil, which one were they?!?!?!?

There is no good or bad.  They are but creations of the human mind, passing
judgement on its fellows and nature.  There is only people, their desires, and
the steel by which they bash their brains in.

But the Fright Knights were evil.  Not so much for what they did, but for their
horrendous design aesthetic.  Following the same logic, I consider the Lion
Knights to be supreme evil (and hence are always bad-guys in my world).


The following weekend i dug out all of my castle catalogs and posters, and a
puzzles aroze...

In a catalog or something, showed the foresters attacking the crusaders in
huge numbers. The crusaders had a big long castle, with, belive it or not a
big black castle with lots of black falcons, or whatever next to them
helping them out. It this time period of lego castle, i thought the black
falcons were the bad guys and crusaders were good. also with them were the
robin hood, forester guys which were also good but have crusader prisners in
there sets. this leads me to belveve some one is not as good as they are
made out to be

Message is in Reply To:
  Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
I was setting up a castle battle diorama last week when I thought, "Hey, in Castle Lego, who is bad?". I mean in the newest theme, the bull guys were clearly bad guys. But just one theme earlyer, the fright nights had no enemy as far as i remember, (...) (21 years ago, 3-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)

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