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Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 01:31:05 GMT
528 times
I don't think it's too black and white like that.

I think Crusaders were the biggest and wealthiest force in the land.

Black Falcons I view as being a noble house that had their own goals and
plans which sometimes clashed with the plans of the Crusaders while other
times they could work together towards common goals.

Forestmen I view as being poor. They are like Robin Hood. They steal from
the Crusaders to redistribute the wealth among their people. You could say
that stealing is bad, but on the other hand, maybe the Crusaders were greedy
and left them with little choice. I see them as being good, but not lawful.

Black Monarch (Black Knights I) I view as being like Black Falcons. A
smaller noble house in the kingdom dominated by the Crusaders. The set
Knights Stronghold has Black Falcons attacking a Black Monarch fortress, so
there was obviously some conflict there. They probably battled with each
other hoping to become #2 in the land.

Dragon Masters seemed like they were being portrayed as evil, but they were
also part of a shift for LEGO. They were getting into fantasy with dragons
and wizards in many of the sets. I would view them as another noble house -
one that is more secretive and strange.

Wolfpack seems more like a group of bandits, and I would view them as
mercenary if not outright evil. Their motivations for robbing people are
wealth, and the ideals of "stealing from the rich and giving to the poor" do
not seem to be present like with the forestmen.

Dark Forest was just a bad atempt to bring the Forestmen (which are my
favorite) back. Unfortunately, it appears as though it failed. None of the
Dark Forest sets appeal to me. They also appear to be more evil. I don't
know if this is portrayed with facial details or that they must be bad/evil
because they come in sucky sets.

Actually, everything in Castle since then has sucked, IMO, except for the
new Blacksmith Shop. Fright Knights were the worst, and Knight's Kingdom was
pretty bad too. The 1995 Royal Knights stuff was alright, but I just
consider it to be Crusaders with lame shield designs.

Message is in Reply To:
  Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
I was setting up a castle battle diorama last week when I thought, "Hey, in Castle Lego, who is bad?". I mean in the newest theme, the bull guys were clearly bad guys. But just one theme earlyer, the fright nights had no enemy as far as i remember, (...) (21 years ago, 3-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)

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