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Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 01:32:12 GMT
598 times

[Crusaders vs. Black Falcons]
Don't agree. I mean it's true that Crusaders had more battle machines, but
they more in everything. Black Falcons had only 6 LEGO sets while the
Crusaders had like 14. They had more in everythings, bigger castles, more
chariots etc.

That's true. And this is why I always preferred Black Falcons rather than
Crusaders. BFs were the underdogs that I've sympathy for.

Well anyway the Black Falcons will stay forever bad in my point of view.

Hehe, I can understand this point of view. Crusaders look noble with their
golden Lion's Crest and with their big castles. They're probably meant to
represent Richard Lionheart's loyal fellowers.
In contrast to the Crusaders the BFs look dark and almost sinister, with one
word: they look evil. But they are much cooler than those harmless Crusaders...

[Black Knights, Dragon Masters]
For ages I also included the Dargon Masters as part of that same group.

Unfortunatelly the shield of the DMs is very similar to the oval BKs'
shield. So these two groups might be mingled by many people. However, I
think the style of armour and castles (considering the fact that BKs already
had two castles) is reason enough to seperate both factions from each other.

"#6085 used to be my castle for the Sheriff of Nottingham" - I think it's
not far from the truth, I think at least in several Robin Hood films they were
Dragon as their symbol.

I'm not even sure if this was the reason for my choice. Probably the
blackness of the castle itself was dicisive.

Well something that in concerning the above, just wanted to say
Jojo as always wonderful work you made on you new (2nd) model for the ISCC
(I couldn't find the formel annocment on that model so I'm writting it here)

Thank you very much!
I didn't make a formal announcement because I didn't translate the German
text into English. Unfortunatelly I don't know many of the appropiate
technical terms, that I used in German.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
Hi again (...) You can look at it that way too I guess (...) Don't agree. I mean it's true that Crusaders had more battle machines, but they more in everything. Black Falcons had only 6 LEGO sets while the Crusaders had like 14. They had more in (...) (21 years ago, 4-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)

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