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 Castle / 15874
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Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
Tue, 4 Feb 2003 01:29:19 GMT
527 times
In lugnet.castle, Richie Dulin writes:
In lugnet.castle, Yaron Dori writes:
1996-1998 Forestmen (Good) vs Fright Knights (Bad)
Yes - set 6087 supports this, but also:
Fright Knights (Bad) vs Royal Knights (Good) in set 6097
Fright Knights (Bad) vs some other generic knightly fellow that I can't
place (presumably Good) in set 6047/6099
That knight also belongs to the Royal Knights (the same one from 6090).

Love LEGO Levo Castle
Yaron "Webrain" Dori

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
(...) I guess that's why they call the set 6099, "Traitor Transport", because the Royal Knight has changed allegiences and joined his enemy (the Fright (k)Nights)in fine "benedict arnold" style. :) Ben (21 years ago, 4-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Who is bad in Castle Lego ?
(...) Yes - set 6087 supports this, but also: Fright Knights (Bad) vs Royal Knights (Good) in set 6097 and: Fright Knights (Bad) vs some other generic knightly fellow that I can't place (presumably Good) in set 6047/6099 Cheers Richie (21 years ago, 3-Feb-03, to lugnet.castle)

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