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Re: *** MLCad V3.30 *** new feature request
Sat, 22 May 2010 22:02:40 GMT
22763 times

This is something that's been bugging me for a while, but since MLCAD is free
software and very useful even without this feature, I haven't made much of a
fuss about it.  However, I thought I'd throw it out here so others can comment
on it and so Mike L. can pick it up and implement it if he wants to.

A little background:
I like to build (and therefore draw) complex mechanical contraptions that
require lots of odd angles to make the pins line up.  My latest one, for
example, is a pneumatic train locomotive with working (not just decorative)
Walschaerts valve gear.  To draw something like this accurately, I currently
have to:
    1. Select all the parts that make up a push-pull link, starting with the pin
that is already lined up (or set the rotation point manually)
    2. Zoom in on the other end of the link, which is not lined up yet
    3. Rotate by sub-degree increments until it's "close enough"
    4. Do this again with the lever that it's supposed to attach to
    5. Add some more parts and repeat
    6. Guess at how it's going to work in real life

My idea:
Add a feature to MLCAD that would allow me to:
    1. Define the link as a physical unit (however that's done)
    2. Attach one end of the link (however that's done)
    3. Attach the other end of the link (however that's done)
    4. Add some more parts and repeat
    5. Move any part (rotate the wheels in my example) and see exactly how it's
going to work (or at least catch some of the bigger bugs)
Basically, it's a motion simulator.

For what I need right now, simply joining pairs of parts at user-defined points
(relative to each part, not the origin) is good enough.  More points would make
a more rigid connection.  The simulator would then move any part(s)
automatically to satisfy all such points in the model.  Eventually, I'd like to
simulate gears and other parts that aren't always connected at the same
point(s), but let's keep it simple for now.

What do you think?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: *** MLCad V3.30 *** new feature request
(...) That would be a great enhencement for MLCad and it should be possible. But I do not know how many hours Michael L. has to spend for that. If you want to try another application please try SR3DBuilder. As fas as I can see the required feature (...) (14 years ago, 23-May-10, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

Message is in Reply To:
  *** MLCad V3.30 ***
Hi, I would like to announce that I've just released a new version of MLCad! MLCad V3.30 What's new: - Development environment was changed to Visual Studio 2005 - Support for color definitions in LdConfig.ldr - Empty lines are no longer removed (for (...) (14 years ago, 8-Feb-10, to lugnet.cad.mlcad) !! 

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