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 CAD / MLCad / 2337
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Re: BTW, Dither What Colors...?
Fri, 12 Feb 2010 23:05:47 GMT
14166 times
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Timothy Gould wrote:

Most of the colors are
significantly darker, some are very different. The dithering was made with the
original palette, now should we use these or the new, improved colors as
components in the dithering?

Chief LDraw Complicator

Good thinking. Since the old colours were derived from the EGA colour palette I
reckon the dithers would have to be derived from it too. Otherwise you could end
up with some very different blends.

I like your signature ;)


Also I am thinking that we have to use the original color values for the color 0
- 15 to build the blended colors. Otherwise we get other colors.
This range should be known by every LDraw related application.and only
overwritten by entries found in the LDConfig.ldr.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BTW, Dither What Colors...?
--SNIP-- (...) Good thinking. Since the old colours were derived from the EGA colour palette I reckon the dithers would have to be derived from it too. Otherwise you could end up with some very different blends. I like your signature ;) Tim (14 years ago, 12-Feb-10, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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