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 CAD / MLCad / 2318
2317  |  2319
Re: *** MLCad V3.30 ***
Tue, 9 Feb 2010 22:03:03 GMT
14448 times
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Michael Lachmann wrote:
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Michael Heidemann wrote:
I miss the "dithered" colours. Not the dithered itself, but the
range of colours I could choose from to make pattern parts.

? I cannot understand.  There is no such range, MLCad takes that
what comes from LDConfig nothing more, nothing less.  Dithered
colors originally have been according to the original definition of
LDraw. MLCad now no longer uses them, but only the definition from
LDConfig.  If you feel that colors are missing, than we should add
them to this file ...

I noticed that when I remove LDConfig.ldr the old dithered colors are
available, but no longer dithered.  They're now solid colors.  That's
a big improvement!  It makes the 256-511 rance of colors much nicer
for printed patterns.  (Dithered colors need a few consecutive pixels
to look good, and the small triangles in the printed patterns aren't
big enough for this at a normal viewing scale).

However I think what everyone wants is to have these available even
when the LDconfig file is found.  What would be best is if MLCad could
replace only the colors that have been "refined" by LDconfig.ldr, and
leave the others still defined with the new solid versions of the old
dithered colors.  That would be perfect!



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: *** MLCad V3.30 ***
Hello Don, (...) I thought the LDraw group doesn't allow any other colors than the standard ones? Even so I was in the assumption that I didn't create any special colors, but I toulk them over from some old spec where these colors where mentioned. I (...) (14 years ago, 10-Feb-10, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: *** MLCad V3.30 ***
Hello Michael (...) I'm currently looking into that. (...) ? I cannot understand. There is no such range, MLCad takes that what comes from LDConfig nothing more, nothing less. Dithered colors originally have been according to the original definition (...) (14 years ago, 9-Feb-10, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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