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The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.castle, lugnet.general
Sun, 2 Mar 2003 20:06:33 GMT
! (details)
3431 times
After reading the very helpful constructive criticism I recieved, and after
reviewing my recent village MOC, I decided to redesign it.  So... I did.

I've totally redesigned the layout of the city and added much more detail.
Such details include flowers (go figure), livestock, and even cobblestones.

So here it is again, for the first time, with much more gritty detail:

Ten years after it fell, the High Mage Greylen magically rebuilt the Tower of
Olyian to suit his own needs.  Not knowning it's true history, the people of
Ikros began calling the tower "Greylen's Tower," and the name stuck.  As
Greylen's power and popularity grew, people began flocking to his tower for
guidance and help.  Eventually, the small village of Dahyart, several miles
away, moved itself to sit along the path that lead up to Greylen's Tower to be
closer to Ikros' star wizard and to gain his protection.  It has now become
somewhat of a tourist trap, as the village is beginning to tailor itself to
meet the needs of those who travel so far to visit the High Mage.

Teaser wide shot:

Teaser detail shot:




Message has 9 Replies:
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
(...) You improved it greatly. Offsetting certain buildings at angles gives it a very realistic feel. The livestock fit in nicely. (URL) this guy carrying a baby sheep? That's great! My only suggestion, though I realize it would be difficult, would (...) (21 years ago, 2-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
Wow Anthony! Talk about a step up.. this is really a great update to the village. The main street, with offset buildings and small "alley-ways".. this really has that medieval look. I was thinking the other day of doing a new village, but I always (...) (21 years ago, 3-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
(...) the livestock, the well and the offsetting of buildings really makes a huge difference. My favorite is the little blacksmith shop in the dtail shot. My only problem seemed to be the buildings being so close to the tower. The pillars are (...) (21 years ago, 5-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
Help! There's a wookie loose in my village. Somebody call the cops! or animal control, or something! (URL) BEN (...) (21 years ago, 5-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
(...) Hello Antony, That is just the sort of organic fuzzyness I had in mind when i made the suggestion. You did it very well. On top of this, the added vegetation and details largely contribute to the improvement as well. I'm pleased that you took (...) (21 years ago, 5-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
Oh, wow. This is great. The details abound... every little nook captures the feeling of a little village. I love the cow fence and the little pond near by. Wow. Only one question: have you designed an interior for any of the houses, or perhaps for (...) (21 years ago, 8-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
(...) Alright! I waited until now to comment since I figured somewhere along the line you would eventually redesign this. Nice job! <snip the nice introduction story> Okay, for the sake of levity, I'll just review the overall picture. (URL) overlook (...) (21 years ago, 8-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
Wow. WOW. (Forgive the poor spacer for his enthusiasm. Good Castle just floors him.) Just look at that detailing! The ducks are very impressive, as are the chickens. There's not a single thing in this diorama that looks out of place. Take care, (...) (21 years ago, 8-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: The Village of Dahyart version 2.0
Very Cool, Anthony! I can see that I missed a lot while I was offline (been fighting with my service provider). Your town is great. The wide variety of animals is what really caught my eye. I like the ducks, chickens, and cows, of course. I (...) (21 years ago, 16-Mar-03, to lugnet.castle)

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