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 Administrative / General / 12363
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Re: Lugnet should be MORE draconian
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 17:34:31 GMT
607 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Stefan Gustavson wrote:
In lugnet.admin.general, Tim Courtney wrote:

The negative environment here has slowly pushed me away, and is
continuing to do so. Not the policies--the people whining about them and making
demands they have no basis making, and the people bickering over petty things
like colors or 'TLC can do no right.'

Let's remember that these are LITTLE PLASTIC BRICKS we're talking about. Yeah
they're cool, but geeeez.


It is a sad fact that people in the Western world are getting more
and more stressed out, and the result is often bickering and whining
in all kinds of situations which used to be a source for relaxation,
all smiles and warm, fuzzy feelings. Lugnet, unfortunately, is no

The proper cure to this is not for all the nice people to go away,
this will only make more people unhappy, including the ones who
decide to leave. Instead, try to put the situation on Lugnet into
perspective. The community has grown tremendously over the last few
years, so disagreements and conflicts will happen. However, not
everyone is a whiner all the time. In fact, very few people are
whiners at all. This is still a friendly place, the place where
I go for fun and inspiring communication about things I like a
lot but that absolutely, positively, do not really matter at all
in any kind of bigger perspective. To me, this is the very definition
of a good and inspiring hobby. Lugnet is as much a part of my Lego
hobby as the actual building, and I still like it a lot.

I have seen stress do really ugly things to nice people.
Let's not have this happen on Lugnet, please. This, if
any place on Earth or on the Internet, should have every
possibility of being a friendly place also in the future.
We're only a few thousand people worldwide, and we share a
hobby that should make us all feel great about this place
and what we do in here.

The last time I got upset over Lego was when my cousin and
I fought over who should have the ladder for his fire engine.
We were six, and we both thought it was silly even then
and simply went back to building after a short while.
I believe a serving of milk and cookies was involved to
put the fight into perspective. Perhaps we should try that?

"You have been administered a serving of milk and cookies by
the administrators. Please get up from your computer and
come back in a short while. We'll all be waiting for you."

We *should* be able to get along, right?

  Stefan G

Hear, hear! Tim and Stefan, I wholeheartedly concur. To become stressed out over
little plastic bricks--however valuable they may be--is quite silly when you
think about it. We all have our differences (sorry, that's just a "duh"
statement) but that does not mean we must muster our emotional ties to dissent.

And I second the serving of milk and cookies. Cookies *mmmmm*

- Andrew P. Saada <><

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lugnet should be MORE draconian
(...) It is a sad fact that people in the Western world are getting more and more stressed out, and the result is often bickering and whining in all kinds of situations which used to be a source for relaxation, all smiles and warm, fuzzy feelings. (...) (19 years ago, 2-Mar-05, to lugnet.admin.general)

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