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Re: BF 2004 LTC Container Car Swap
Sun, 8 Aug 2004 12:54:12 GMT
3259 times
Greg Perry wrote:

RichLUG finished getting our containers ready for the swap today.  Here's
a picture of our special BrickFest 2004 edition:


The RichLUG containers are individually numbered.  We have assembled 32
containers so far.  The last list of swap participants Michael published
only had 22 clubs listed, so we may have a couple of extras if anyone
wants to track me down and haggle for one of them.

I have another 16 sets of stickers (numbered 33-48) so if there are any
clubs that are not part of the container swap but would be interested in
stickers please get in touch.  This is the first time RichLUG is
participating in a container swap so I'm interested in accumulating as
many as possible for our club.

See y'all at BrickFest!

Awesome container!
I've built the LOWLUG containers, "only" need to apply the stickers now...

BTW I'll also be bringing along some containers from the FGLTC on behalf of
Ben Beneke in case some clubs still don't have that one too. Unfortunately
that number is quite limited.
Jan-Albert van Ree   |
Brick Piles          | Santa Fe B-unit

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BF 2004 LTC Container Car Swap
RichLUG finished getting our containers ready for the swap today. Here's a picture of our special BrickFest 2004 edition: (URL) The RichLUG containers are individually numbered. We have assembled 32 containers so far. The last list of swap (...) (21 years ago, 7-Aug-04, to,, FTX)

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