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Re: Adjustable 4 wheel steering
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 04:12:03 GMT
1192 times
I have had luck with an air selection system. Utilizing the 1.25" cylinders for
engaging the axles from one steering setup to the other. This takes a lot of
room as you have to run both pinion shafts to each axle and have a cylinder
there to engage the desired steering mode. It is tricky to synchronize all of
the axles to the desired position--one at a time. I was able to get it to work
on a 3-axle mock-up vehicle, though found it easier to use air steering (since
all of the axles had a selector cylinder).

Best of luck!

In lugnet.technic, Ross Crawford writes:

Jennifer Clark <> wrote in message
In lugnet.technic, Ross Crawford writes:

The way to get less steering on the inner axles would be to reduce the
effect of the control on those axles by moving the fulcrum (or whatever).

Indeed - but would this not also reduce the effect when in crab mode too,
where all axles should be steered equally? I was wondering if it would be
possible to get an assymetric effect from the linkage, so that having the
control fully one way would result in more steering movement than having • the
control fully the other way.

Well, you could make it so the fulcrum of the "open I" link isnt in the
middle. Or just make the controls movement biased towards unison (same
result). Or limit the control's movement in the "crab" direction.

And may I also take this opportunity to congratulate you on your latest
"construction construction"!!!


NTR! (no thanks required) It's an exceptional model! As are the others on
your page! Have TLC offered you a job yet?  8?) BTW, if you look at my
lugnet page (#469), you'll see I'm working on a tower crane. Looks like Ive
got the "construction construction" bug, too!!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Adjustable 4 wheel steering
Jennifer, Jennifer Clark <> wrote in message (...) the (...) Well, you could make it so the fulcrum of the "open I" link isnt in the middle. Or just make the controls movement biased towards (...) (24 years ago, 27-Nov-00, to lugnet.technic)

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