Re: Armstrong Space Project Charter
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:02:26 GMT
845 times
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In, Mark Nelson writes:
> In, Tom McDonald writes:
> > I can make guns, etc. but I'm not volunteering unless someone who can do it
> > well won't volunteer (that is to say, we need another good designer to help
> > out :) Where's Karim when you need him? :)
> Karim is a good weapons builder? I've never seen his stuff.
Actually, he rocks at building mechs too. But I've never a good-looking that
didn't have a kicking weapon or two.
> > On a closing note, I'm starting a web page or six that displays the Armstrong
> > Charter and all the 'who and what' we've settled on for quick and easy
> > reference (cuz even I get confused). It doesn't hafta be the home for the
> > Station, unless the group decides it so. Currently, it's not graphics
> > intensive and has no jpg's, so it should load quickly.
> Good! I'll be waiting to see it! And remember, I volunteer for the
> Medical/Sick bay.
So noted.
-Tom McD.
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Armstrong Space Project Charter
| I would like to sign on as weapons and defense craft designer. If someone wanted to do the base weapons thats ok (Karim, Sproat etc..) but I really wan't to design the ships that will be used for base defense. Some questions: Will the defense (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Armstrong Space Project Charter
| (...) Karim is a good weapons builder? I've never seen his stuff. (...) I agree. Hey, orange is a rather rare color, but we could use them as much as we want! (...) Decidedly! :) Hey, the Thunder Hornet's wings, when I built it in real life, fell (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to
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