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Re: Armstrong Space Project Charter
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 04:02:26 GMT
845 times
In, Mark Nelson writes:
In, Tom McDonald writes:
I can make guns, etc. but I'm not volunteering unless someone who can do it
well won't volunteer (that is to say, we need another good designer to help
out :)  Where's Karim when you need him? :)

Karim is a good weapons builder? I've never seen his stuff.

Actually, he rocks at building mechs too. But I've never a good-looking that
didn't have a kicking weapon or two.

On a closing note, I'm starting a web page or six that displays the Armstrong
Charter and all the 'who and what' we've settled on for quick and easy
reference (cuz even I get confused). It doesn't hafta be the home for the
Station, unless the group decides it so. Currently, it's not graphics
intensive and has no jpg's, so it should load quickly.

Good! I'll be waiting to see it! And remember, I volunteer for the
Medical/Sick bay.

So noted.

-Tom McD.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Armstrong Space Project Charter
I would like to sign on as weapons and defense craft designer. If someone wanted to do the base weapons thats ok (Karim, Sproat etc..) but I really wan't to design the ships that will be used for base defense. Some questions: Will the defense (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Armstrong Space Project Charter
(...) Karim is a good weapons builder? I've never seen his stuff. (...) I agree. Hey, orange is a rather rare color, but we could use them as much as we want! (...) Decidedly! :) Hey, the Thunder Hornet's wings, when I built it in real life, fell (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jun-00, to

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