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Re: the LEGO CNC-Machine
Wed, 29 Aug 2007 01:21:39 GMT
15737 times
"daniel" <> wrote in message
wooooow you're the guy that built all those milling machines? and the
first of all, respect! i loved the toast milling :D
of course i checked out your site, it's pretty inspiring but i'm thinking
making some additions to the machine compared to your design:
- positioning systems on all axes
- fully automated
- if possible, an automatic tool changer

Tool changers are usually very troublesome on a real machine. You will have
to do some fancy engineering to get the proper tool that your material will
accept and still be able to convey it in and out of the spindle. This will
take a lot of experimenting.

what i'm still not sure about is how i will build the cutting bits! (i
want to
do them out of lego too)

I started with a broken drill bit and spent my time engineering the "toast".
This bread never saw a toaster. I hardened the bread on glass in a
microwave. Sometimes leaving it in the sun to dry. Painted it black to get
some contrast. Most think it is burnt toast, but it is really quite hard. I
also used sidewalk chaulk, candles, and cheese. I am glad someone  is doing
some N/C machines.
You have a lot of great new gears. I am anxious to see how you apply them.

my power motor should be in the mail any day now so i guess i'll go buy
candles (for the wax) and experiment with different designs... i'll keep
posted. any ideas are welcome!

Looking forward to following your progress.
Bob Fay

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: the LEGO CNC-Machine
(...) yes, i haven't quite figured out how to make the tools exchangeable, especialy by a machine. (manually wouldn't be a problem) one possibility would be to slowly turn the spindle while the tool is being inserted so it finds the axlehole more (...) (18 years ago, 29-Aug-07, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: the LEGO CNC-Machine
wooooow you're the guy that built all those milling machines? and the lathe? first of all, respect! i loved the toast milling :D of course i checked out your site, it's pretty inspiring but i'm thinking of making some additions to the machine (...) (18 years ago, 28-Aug-07, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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