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Re: Seeking Strategies on Humanoid Robots/Walkers
Thu, 31 Dec 1998 23:33:50 GMT
L. M. Lloyd <lee@(NoSpam)>
1989 times
Andrew Phelps wrote:

Interesting !!  Nice to have someone else tackling the problem, I guess if
your on the Internet your never alone :)  That is a good idea about using
MEL, it should be possible to construct a file, perhaps even standardize a
format to it and then read it in and send the important bits to the Lego RCX
using NQC or even the VB control.  (I am still hoping for a Java

As far as getting the pieces into Maya I have had fairly decent results in
measuring and modelling each individual piece in a CAD package and importing
into Maya

I wish I had the time to do this, but all my modeling time gets taken up by

such that everything is "too scale" and re-calibrating the Maya
Co-ordinate system such that 1cm = 1cm in the "Real World"(tm) (I have found
centimeters to be the most practical units of measurement thus far)..  I
will have to look at whether you can then get rotational data that is to
scale (I would assume so but a test is always necessary).  I import via DXF,
and then rebuild in NURBS if necessary.

Then, assuming you have all the rot data, it should be possible to build a
program that will parse though the text file, grab all of the changes,
figure out which joints they are changing, and then call function
pre-designed to move those joints (make a function "ROTATE LEFT SHOULDER

My solution on the Maya side of things, is to setup all the gears with a series
of "Driven Keys" so that each gear in turn forces the appropriate movement out
of the surrounding gears. This chain of gears in turn drives (once again through
driven keys) a "motor" object, every 360º of "motor" rotation I have an
expression increment a variable (motorN_rot). In the real world I plan to put a
rotation sensor on each motor and use it to match up full rotations of the motor
with the variable (motorN_rot)

This function would in turn use the OCX to control Lego motors.
As previously stated, I will have to work out some conversion between
rotation and motor revolutions/time.  This will likely be difficult.

see above

The other problem will be one of timing, getting the program to be in synch
with Maya's timing mechanism of 30 frames per second.  Mabye set the program
up so it executes x number of actions per minute ? I don't know, I  need to
play harder <G>

Wow, I have been working in SMPTE so long that I never thought about this.
However Maya (at least as of V1.5) has a time setting for milliseconds, seconds,
whatever, so now that I think about it it's not a problem.

I am somewhat unfamiliar with Ldraw, what specifically is
the difficulty ?  There is a converter from Ldraw to DXF called (not
suprisingly) DAT2DXF but I have not used it.

Ldraw parts look good on instructions but their dimensions are not too exact,
causing even more slop in an already very sloppy system (Technic).

If you ever have to re-model
the little studes on lego pieces, there is an instance plugin in the KPT
tools that is incredibly useful.

Unfortunately I do not have this tool. How much does it cost? Where can I get
more info on it?

Hope this helps,

Yeah, it's fantastic to know I'm not the only nut doing this!

L. M. Lloyd
SGI Animator


Did you check the web site first?:

Message has 1 Reply:
  RE: Seeking Strategies on Humanoid Robots/Walkers
L. M. Lloyd said, Unfortunately I do not have this tool. How much does it cost? Where can I get more info on it? This plug-in is in a set of plugins called KPT and they are (gasp) FREE (this is unheard of using an SGI for those of you who aren't (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jan-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  RE: Seeking Strategies on Humanoid Robots/Walkers
Interesting !! Nice to have someone else tackling the problem, I guess if your on the Internet your never alone :) That is a good idea about using MEL, it should be possible to construct a file, perhaps even standardize a format to it and then read (...) (26 years ago, 31-Dec-98, to lugnet.robotics)

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