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Re: CM-RCX comm
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 17:06:18 GMT
Marco C. <>
1006 times
At 15:34 10-01-2001 +0100, Mathias Uhr wrote:
hi marco!
thanks a lot for your reply!
1) It's possible to use the OUTport->INport direct electrical
connection *IF* one uses the Off() and Float() commands
to simulate the SENSOR ON and OFF states.
off -> on and float -> off ??

Yes, the Off() does a shortcircuit simulating a ON state from a TouchSensor
point of view. The Float() does the oposite, getting a OFF state this way.

3) Done a VLL output lib from scratch but still compatible
with vll output through LIGHT (Led or Fiber Optics on OUT
port or the LightSensor's LED on the ON port) or through
direct ELECTRIC connection on the OUT ports. I use a
table of pre-calculated vllcode+vllchecksum instead of
real-time checksum calculation. I'm expecting to do the
same with the VLL input, descarding any checksum
uh, seems like great work! would you share this lib with
others (e.g. me)? what language do you use? legos?

I'm using NQC, because all this has to run on a CyberMaster, with it's
fixed standard firmware. This way, any CM or RCX can do VLL output, and
*hopefully* any CM, RCX and Scout could do VLL input.

I will release my MCommsLib of course, as soon as it is 100% like I want it
to be. Until now, I've done nothing others haven't done already... hmmm...
well, I've done the direct electric connection routines and the VLL output
based on a pre-calculated table of VLL codes (checksum+data) er... and
that's about the only things I think are new to this subject.

If you want an already done NQC VLL *output only* lib, you can use the one
done by Shigeru Makino (

Anyway, like I said above, my lib uses tables that look something like this:

// VLL code table with preformatted  chk+data bits
#define mcVLLcode000 896 // 111 0000000
#define mcVLLcode001 769 // 110 0000001
#define mcVLLcode002 642 // 101 0000010
#define mcVLLcode125 637 // 100 1111101
#define mcVLLcode126 510 // 011 1111110
#define mcVLLcode127 383 // 010 1111111
// MicroScout VLL commands
#define mcVLLmsD_FWD mcVLLcode000 // 0 D: Motor Forward
#define mcVLLmsD_RWD mcVLLcode001 // 1 D: Motor Reverse
#define mcVLLmsD_BEEP1 mcVLLcode004 // 4 D: Beep 1
#define mcVLLmsD_BEEP2 mcVLLcode005 // 5 D: Beep 2
#define mcVLLmsD_BEEP3 mcVLLcode006 // 6 D: Beep 3
#define mcVLLmsD_RUN mcVLLcode033 // 33 D: Run
#define mcVLLmsD_DEL_SCRIPT mcVLLcode034 // 34 D: Delete Script
#define mcVLLmsD_NEXT mcVLLcode070 // 70 D: Next
#define mcVLLmsD_RESET mcVLLcode071 // 71 D: Reset
// CodePilot VLL commands
#define mcVLLcpFWD mcVLLcode000 // 0 Motor Forward
#define mcVLLcpREV mcVLLcode001 // 1 Motor Reverse
#define mcVLLcpN9    mcVLLcode121 // 121 Number 9
#define mcVLLcpDOT   mcVLLcode122 // 122 Decimal dot
#define mcVLLcpRandom mcVLLcode123 // 123 Random
#define mcVLLcpLow   mcVLLcode124 // 124 Speed/Torque Low (20)
#define mcVLLcpMed   mcVLLcode125 // 125 Speed/Torque Med (40)
#define mcVLLcpHigh  mcVLLcode126 // 126 Speed/Torque High (60)
#define mcVLLcpTacho mcVLLcode127 // 127 Tacho
// Available codes for custom VLL commands
#define mcVLLcharW mcVLLcode057 // VLLcode=ASCIIcode-30=W
#define mcVLLcharX mcVLLcode058 // VLLcode=ASCIIcode-30=X
#define mcVLLcharY mcVLLcode059 // VLLcode=ASCIIcode-30=Y
#define mcVLLcharZ mcVLLcode060 // VLLcode=ASCIIcode-30=Z
#define mcVLLtrue mcVLLcode061 // True, Yes, On, OK
#define mcVLLfalse mcVLLcode062 // False, No, Off
#define mcVLLbegin mcVLLcode063 // String/Sequence/MultiByte BEGIN
#define mcVLLend mcVLLcode064 // String/Sequence/MultiByte END
#define mcVLLcustom094 mcVLLcode094 // Available
#define mcVLLcustom095 mcVLLcode095 // Available
#define mcVLLcustom098 mcVLLcode098 // Available

Marco C. aka McViper

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: CM-RCX comm
(...) errr... well, I really don't know. I (unfortunatly) don't own neither a MicroScout nor a CodePilot so I too have some question about the real behavior of these sets when receiving VLL codes. (but I keep watching eBay because I'm always (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: CM-RCX comm
"What's new": 1) I'm still waiting for my RIS 1.0 (hopefully +2 weeks) + Update to 1.5 so, everything I do still uses the Out<->In of a CyberMaster, comunicating with itself (the poor thing). 2) I ordered also a Dark Side MicroScout, for VLL output (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: CM-RCX comm
(...) Ok, one of many possible examples (we're talking about Lego, where your imagination is your limit... err... well, almost ;) I could use an input port of a RCX as a 4th motor controller, using VLL through the LED of a LightSensor connected to (...) (24 years ago, 25-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: CM-RCX comm
Status Report: 1) Ok, just got my RIS 1.0 set (AT LAST! ;) 2) My first tests with the two pBricks (CyberMaster and RCX) prove that it's possible to communicate using a (ten times) slower version of VLL protocol (I call it SlowVLL for short). *It (...) (24 years ago, 30-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics)
  Re: CM-RCX comm
(...) make (...) Would make (...) used (...) Yes of course I will :) Because I'm still in the early stages of this, I decided to use all my small spare time to this project, and only in the end, after having my mcVLLlib.ncq the way I want it, I'll (...) (24 years ago, 31-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  CM-RCX comm
hi marco! so have you already managed to get a cm-rcx comm? or are you still waiting for an rcx? i'm highly interested in any details on this subject, cause i'm planning something similiar (using cm for it's radio link and rcx for it's extended (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics)

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