Re: Woo Hoo!!!!! (part deux...)
Sun, 8 Jun 2003 19:50:04 GMT
829 times
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In, James Powell wrote:
> The DN121's (in fact, any DN series) decoders can be a tad long for fitting
> crosswise. However, the good news is it is not the PCB that is long, but the
> heat shrink.
> Therefore, my suggestion is to gently cut the end of the heat shrink with a
> sharp knife. (not the end with the wires!!!!!!!)
I'm thinking of using a Digitrax DZ143 now. They're about the same price and a
lot smaller.
The only thing I was concerned about was the rating for current, but that's 1.25
and the DH121 was 1.5A.
Someone was saying that the RCX was around 1.5A limit anyways. Off to build a
booster :)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Woo Hoo!!!!! (part deux...)
| (...) and a (...) that's 1.25 (...) build a (...) Hi Calum, The Lego train motors will draw about 750ma when stalled. So, the DZ143 can handle the worst case scenario. Most of the time however, the decoder and motor draw only a fraction of that (...) (22 years ago, 8-Jun-03, to
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 | | Re: Woo Hoo!!!!! (part deux...)
| (...) The DN121's (in fact, any DN series) decoders can be a tad long for fitting crosswise. However, the good news is it is not the PCB that is long, but the heat shrink. Therefore, my suggestion is to gently cut the end of the heat shrink with a (...) (22 years ago, 8-Jun-03, to
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