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 Off-Topic / Geek / 3655
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Re: review: Radeon 7000 for BrickDraw3D, low-end Mac
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 20:52:04 GMT
686 times
William R Ward <> wrote:
setting won't get you past the stuff that requires beep or LED POST codes,
like base 64k ram failure or no video card present. You have to get far
enough that the BIOS is actually running the show before that setting does
you any good.
So put a Hercules MDA video card in it!  :-) (That's the old

Or, better, get a PC Weasel <>, which
emulates a video card (VGA for the PCI version, MDA for the ISA) and a
keyboard during boot and sends the data <-> its serial port -- allowing you
to access the BIOS config program. And then when it detects the OS trying to
initialize its serial port, it switches over to using that. Way cool.

Matthew Miller         <>
Boston University Linux      ------>                <>

Message has 1 Reply:
  Ancient and obscure hardware geekery (Was: Re: review: Radeon 7000 for BrickDraw3D, low-end Mac)
(...) Yeah, but the _cheap one_ is $250! I have a Lego habit to support! Seriously, though, one more reason why it wasn't a bad idea to replace the old 486 firewall with a hundred bucks worth of Linksys filtering router. :) On the other hand, I (...) (23 years ago, 23-Apr-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: review: Radeon 7000 for BrickDraw3D, low-end Mac
(...) So put a Hercules MDA video card in it! :-) (That's the old monochrome standard, from the days when color monitors were rare on PC's.) I've got a storage locker full of old computer crap that I'd love to get rid of, but I can't quite bring (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-02, to

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