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Re: review: Radeon 7000 for BrickDraw3D, low-end Mac
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 13:36:30 GMT
281 times
In, Erik Olson writes:
Since I plan to keep using my '97 Mac as a baseline machine for a while,
this is a good investment. It was even less money to upgrade the drive from
4 to 40GB (zowie!)

You call that a baseline?  Can't you do something for the old
PowerMac 6100 that I got out of my sister in-law's closet?  All
I can coax out of it is some sort of boing sound, but I'm sure
you could work around that.  ;)

I'd tell you about my on and off efforts to try and get my old
386sx DOS PC to function as a baseline for ldglite, but I'm
somewhat embarrassed to admit I still use that thing.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: review: Radeon 7000 for BrickDraw3D, low-end Mac
(...) hey, it's not a 386, but our home firewall is a 486 with 7M or RAM :) and our mailserver/fileserver/wireless firewall is a P90... I was thinking of putting a streaming mp3 server on it too... *grin* (23 years ago, 11-Apr-02, to
  Re: review: Radeon 7000 for BrickDraw3D, low-end Mac
Baseline. (...) They may be oldbut they work! As to 6100, while given enough RAM it should run MacOS 8.6 and higher, I'm afraid your are of of luck with OpenGL programs, as GLUT only operates with ATI graphics cards and to my knowledge ATI have (...) (23 years ago, 11-Apr-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  review: Radeon 7000 for BrickDraw3D, low-end Mac
Upgrading my stock Apple G3/233 with a Radeon 7000 gave BrickDraw3D an 85% speed improvement. In pure OpenGL mode the improvement is 60% over the existing OpenGL advantage. The 2002 ATI Retail Card Update worked on G3/233 with 9.1 but BrickDraw3D (...) (23 years ago, 11-Apr-02, to,

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