Graphics cards on the PC (was some pansy mac stuff
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 22:19:49 GMT
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In, William R. Ward writes:
> (J.D. Forinash) writes:
> > In article <>,
> > William R Ward <> wrote:
> > > So put a Hercules MDA video card in it! :-) (That's the old
> > > monochrome standard, from the days when color monitors were rare on
> > > PC's.)
> >
> > Which one's the standard? :) The MDA was the original PC display adapter
> > (stood for, amazingly enough, Monochrome Display Adapter) and didn't
> > do graphics at all. Two color, text only, 80x25.
> Since Hercules is a superset of MDA, I thought "Hercules MDA" was the
> full name. It is, after all, a monochrome display adapter!
> > Hercules, on the other hand, was a different spec and did in fact allow
> > pixel-addressed monochrome graphics. It was pretty wildly popular even
> > after CGA came out, since it allowed a monstrous 720x350 or so, where CGA
> > was four-color 320x200.
My old EGA card (by a clone brand) had a Hercules emulation mode and I had
some games that used it!
> I've got a CGA card that's truly frightening - it's an 8-bit ISA card
> that is full of 74xx chips. It takes up the entire maximum card size
> of the AT case. You know how they always had those rails for holding
> cards waaay over on the other end of the motherboard, but very few
> cards were long enough to reach them? This one reaches them. I
> actually used it for a while on a 386 when I was running a BBS. It
> works great with monitors for the Commodore 128. But I thought tha
> CGA was 16 color 320x200. You sure it was only 4-color?
Yes. 4 colors at a time, but you could choose which 4 from two possible
palettes. Red/Green/Blue/Black or Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black, if I recall
correctly. It's been a long time though, and I skipped CGA, I went from MDA
straight to EGA on my old XT.
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