Re: I'm Snotty Gizzardsquirt!!
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 20:58:16 GMT
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In, Frank Filz writes:
> Dave Schuler wrote:
> > That's pretty funny (I'm The Bishop), but that's got to be the most
> > annoying pop-up I've seen in weeks.
> I'm not sure what the popup is, but that site is locking my Netscape on
> my Linux machine solid. The site doesn't lock up, but it doesn't do
> anything either when I use Netscape from my AIX machine.
The pop up is an annoying quiz in Java. It used to work quick and well for
me, but I think something has gone wrong with it, 'cause it causes me
problems now too. Try stopping the load after a couple of seconds, and
hopefully the rest of the page will come up and work (that's what I have
been doing today to get it to come up). The pop-up will continue to load in
it's own window, but you should be able to close that up right quick.
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| | Re: I'm Snotty Gizzardsquirt!!
| (...) I'm not sure what the popup is, but that site is locking my Netscape on my Linux machine solid. The site doesn't lock up, but it doesn't do anything either when I use Netscape from my AIX machine. (23 years ago, 14-Jun-01, to
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