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Re: I'm Snotty Gizzardsquirt!!
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 20:58:16 GMT
525 times
In, Frank Filz writes:
Dave Schuler wrote:
  That's pretty funny (I'm The Bishop), but that's got to be the most
annoying pop-up I've seen in weeks.

I'm not sure what the popup is, but that site is locking my Netscape on
my Linux machine solid. The site doesn't lock up, but it doesn't do
anything either when I use Netscape from my AIX machine.


The pop up is an annoying quiz in Java. It used to work quick and well for
me, but I think something has gone wrong with it, 'cause it causes me
problems now too. Try stopping the load after a couple of seconds, and
hopefully the rest of the page will come up and work (that's what I have
been doing today to get it to come up). The pop-up will continue to load in
it's own window, but you should be able to close that up right quick.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I'm Snotty Gizzardsquirt!!
(...) It locks up to the point where it won't even re-draw the screen. Ah, I did get it to work on AIX. (23 years ago, 14-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I'm Snotty Gizzardsquirt!!
(...) I'm not sure what the popup is, but that site is locking my Netscape on my Linux machine solid. The site doesn't lock up, but it doesn't do anything either when I use Netscape from my AIX machine. (23 years ago, 14-Jun-01, to

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