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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20503
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Re: Heres a debate question for ya...
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 14:41:11 GMT
395 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:


I can't speak for others but I daresay I enjoy debating among friends whom I
share another common interest much more than I would enjoy debating
somewhere else.


So what im asking is, and this is where no offense comes in, but how many
of you guys have made stuff in lego?  I mean I doesn't have to be the
greatest thing or anything like that, my stuff is far from perfect, but
have you guys all built something?

I've seen constructions and creations from everyone here that I recognise,
except one solitary person. And that person says they're a collector and
reseller, which is a perfectly legitimate way to enjoy the hobby, in my
view. Not everyone has to build.

So challenging people on whether they are builders or not seems not quite
"big tent" enough. You don't have to be a builder to enjoy LEGO.

But I suspect your larger question is "are you debaters all LEGO hobbyists,
or are there people here who just debate and do nothing else?".

I would answer that we're almost all here primarily because of the brick,
with a few exceptions. And those exceptions are the sorts of people I tend
to ignore.

Here's the main point though:

no one is forcing you to read this group, and as long as debate remains
confined here, no one is forcing you to read debate topics elsewhere either.
So why do you care?

Just for some sense of appeasement, and maybe know who's who here, (and this
is totally not on-topic for off-topic ;) ) but would it be nice to have an
o.t-d 'roll call' and mayhaps post links to our personal LEGO page, be it
'Brickshelf' or other?

I'll start--


Live near Winona, Ontario, Canada, and basically started reading o.t-d when
there was a 'policing' issue raised in reference to posting policies in
LUGNET newsgroups.  Been hooked ever since.


Socialist with Capitalist tendancies, and a Christian with Agnostic tendancies.


College--Computer Systems Tech.  University--English major with Poli-Sci and
Religion minor.


Tech Support Analyst for a major school bus company.


West Wing, The Abyss, was a Trekkie, LoTR...


Douglas Adams, A.C. Clark, Asimov, Weis and Hickman.


Canoeing, camping, kite flying, biking, wood working, video games.

That's my life (without the LEGO)

Dave K

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Heres a debate question for ya...
I'll bite also... (...) (URL) (...) 2 bedroom apartment in Beaverton Oregon, USA, a suburb of Portland. (...) Libertarian And because so much of our debate centers on religion: Unitarian Universalist (...) Masters of Engineering, Computer (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to
  off-topic.debate roll call
Sure, why not.. website: (URL) (commercial... buy something!) (URL) (slushpile of poorly organized stuff) Residence: Ada, Michigan, USA, but can be found practically anywhere in the US (don't seem to travel overseas as much post 911) at any given (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to
  Re: Heres a debate question for ya...
relative OTD newbie jumps in. Website: None yet, I gotta get me one of those Residence: Ontario, Southern California. Political: libertarian with a lower case L, because I don’t agree with all their views, but pro-capitalism, anti-big government, (...) (22 years ago, 23-Apr-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Heres a debate question for ya...
(...) Review some past posts about the efficacy and need for an outlet, without this safety valve, it's argued that the rest of LUGNET would see unpleasant debates break out. I can't speak for others but I daresay I enjoy debating among friends whom (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to

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