Re: Heres a debate question for ya...
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 14:41:11 GMT
395 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> I can't speak for others but I daresay I enjoy debating among friends whom I
> share another common interest much more than I would enjoy debating
> somewhere else.
> > So what im asking is, and this is where no offense comes in, but how many
> > of you guys have made stuff in lego? I mean I doesn't have to be the
> > greatest thing or anything like that, my stuff is far from perfect, but
> > have you guys all built something?
> I've seen constructions and creations from everyone here that I recognise,
> except one solitary person. And that person says they're a collector and
> reseller, which is a perfectly legitimate way to enjoy the hobby, in my
> view. Not everyone has to build.
> So challenging people on whether they are builders or not seems not quite
> "big tent" enough. You don't have to be a builder to enjoy LEGO.
> But I suspect your larger question is "are you debaters all LEGO hobbyists,
> or are there people here who just debate and do nothing else?".
> I would answer that we're almost all here primarily because of the brick,
> with a few exceptions. And those exceptions are the sorts of people I tend
> to ignore.
> Here's the main point though:
> no one is forcing you to read this group, and as long as debate remains
> confined here, no one is forcing you to read debate topics elsewhere either.
> So why do you care?
Just for some sense of appeasement, and maybe know who's who here, (and this
is totally not on-topic for off-topic ;) ) but would it be nice to have an
o.t-d 'roll call' and mayhaps post links to our personal LEGO page, be it
'Brickshelf' or other?
I'll start--
Live near Winona, Ontario, Canada, and basically started reading o.t-d when
there was a 'policing' issue raised in reference to posting policies in
LUGNET newsgroups. Been hooked ever since.
Socialist with Capitalist tendancies, and a Christian with Agnostic tendancies.
College--Computer Systems Tech. University--English major with Poli-Sci and
Religion minor.
Tech Support Analyst for a major school bus company.
West Wing, The Abyss, was a Trekkie, LoTR...
Douglas Adams, A.C. Clark, Asimov, Weis and Hickman.
Canoeing, camping, kite flying, biking, wood working, video games.
That's my life (without the LEGO)
Dave K
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: Heres a debate question for ya...
| I'll bite also... (...) (URL) (...) 2 bedroom apartment in Beaverton Oregon, USA, a suburb of Portland. (...) Libertarian And because so much of our debate centers on religion: Unitarian Universalist (...) Masters of Engineering, Computer (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to
|  | | off-topic.debate roll call
| Sure, why not.. website: (URL) (commercial... buy something!) (URL) (slushpile of poorly organized stuff) Residence: Ada, Michigan, USA, but can be found practically anywhere in the US (don't seem to travel overseas as much post 911) at any given (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to
|  | | Re: Heres a debate question for ya...
| relative OTD newbie jumps in. Website: None yet, I gotta get me one of those Residence: Ontario, Southern California. Political: libertarian with a lower case L, because I dont agree with all their views, but pro-capitalism, anti-big government, (...) (22 years ago, 23-Apr-03, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Heres a debate question for ya...
| (...) Review some past posts about the efficacy and need for an outlet, without this safety valve, it's argued that the rest of LUGNET would see unpleasant debates break out. I can't speak for others but I daresay I enjoy debating among friends whom (...) (22 years ago, 22-Apr-03, to
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