| | Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Ian Dunmore
| | Having bought all of the 6 available, and having a hard time finding masks (of the 11 stores visited this weekend that stocked bionicles 9 had no masks, one had one, and then none, and the last had 16 then none). But we are accumulating a number of (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Jason King
| | | | Hi Ian, the KMART up my way (Rockhampton QLD) had plenty last time i saw, But they don't really interest me. -- Jason King LugNet #665 Ian Dunmore <icd@alphalink.com.au> wrote in message news:GGHMDo.EDp@lugnet.com... (...) okay. (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Pete White
| | | | | (...) Kmart masks have a higher retail price, they'll be the last to go. (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Pete White
| | | | (...) Maybe we should set up a swap system for everyone's extras ? The shortage could be a result of a number of things, A - controlled supply, making sure everyone buys the 6 Bionicles first and builds up a thirst for the masks (this is scary). B - (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Jason King
| | | | | | The shelves in my local shops are pretty bare, So people are definately buying The Bionicle sets.....A definate suprise to me ... But Oh well i'm glad they proved me wrong... -- Jason King LugNet #665 pete white <aquanaut@optusnet.com.au> wrote in (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Jonathan Wilson
| | | | | | (...) On the other hand, I havent seen too many free to air TV ads for them... (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Pete White
| | | | | | | (...) Pay TV - 24 hour cartoon channels, the preferred viewing option for the Bionicle target market (and insomniacs generally). (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Martin Scragg
| | | | | From: "pete white" <aquanaut@optusnet.com.au> (...) okay. (...) I can post a list of my collection so far (duplicates and still required), it is an excel spreadsheet, but I can post it as HTML. I would be interested in trading mask. I am in (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Martin Scragg
| | | | | | Here is my list of mask that I have/want for trade (URL) you have excel you can download the spreadsheet version. Martin (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Martin Scragg
| | | | | Here is my list of mask that I have/want for trade (URL) you have excel you can download the spreadsheet version. For those non-Australians among you, I am willing to trade with you as well. Martin (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Pete White
| | | | | | (...) On with the theories... Of the 12 categories of mask, pete.w is complete in only 1. Of the 12 categories of mask, martin is complete in 0. Of the twelve, pete.w has 8 categories with 5 colours. Of the twelve, pete.w has 2 categories with 4 (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Ben Nagel
| | | | | | | | (...) Lewa-Green KauKau,Kopaka-Clear KauKau,Gali-Blue KauKau, Tahu-Red, Onua-black/brown KauKau, and Pohatu-Orange KauKau. (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Martin Scragg
| | | | | | | (...) [snip] (...) It took quite a few mask packs before I got my first Huna, only got them in the last couple of packs. I still don't have a single Light Grey mask of any variety. How does this go with the theory. Martin (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Pete White
| | | | | | | (...) I have plenty of light grey in 5 categories of masks. Before our trade the totals were:- Orange - 9 masks in 3 categories. Lime Green - 11 masks in 4 categories. Tan - 15 masks in 5 categories. Light Blue - 10 masks in 6 categories. Light Grey (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Damian Garcia
| | | | | | | "pete white" <aquanaut@optusnet.com.au> wrote in message news:GGJGFq.L43@lugnet.com... (...) well. I ordered 12 of them through S@H. Each box had 1 Toa and 1 Turaga mask. I figured it was standard. (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Martin Scragg
| | | | | | | | (...) My split is about 2/3 TOA and 1/3 TURAGA. (...) The packs we get here are not like this, they can be 1 TOA and 1 TURAGA or 2 TOA or TURAGA. Martin (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Pete White
| | | | | | | | (...) I meant my total count of masks from all polybags I have purchased. Just checking back my stats for the first 37 polybags purchased they are:- TURAGA/TOA - 28 polybags with one each TURAGA/TURAGA - 5 polybags with both TURAGA TOA/TOA - 4 (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Scott P. Costello
| | | | | | | | | (...) I was pondering this exact thing this weekend. Here in Southern California, I have purchased most of my boxed mask packs from TRU and every box I bought from them has been 1 toa and 1 turaga, so I figured that was the way it was to be. Then on (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Damian Garcia
| | | | | | | | | "Scott Costello" <scottcos@spamfree.aol.com> wrote in message news:GGL090.64B@lugnet.com... (...) California, (...) Aren't you paying a premium price for those at TRU? My TRU has them listed at 2.99 insatead of 1.99. I figured if you buy 3 or more (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Denis Litvak
| | | | | | | | | (...) It's $2.99 at the Colorado TRU, too. isn't that a ripe? I also saw Mauka and Kane-Ra for $79.99 when it's only $69.99 in the catalog. But if you add S&H than you might get it near even. (24 years ago, 18-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Erik Olson
| | | | | | | | | (...) Hey, in Manhattan TRU they are $3.29 for 2x masks. Toa are $7.99, but I really had to have some right away. (24 years ago, 19-Jul-01, to lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Ian Dunmore
| | | | | | | Hang on, US$2...... But that is almost $4AU, and most of the mask packs I've bought have been under $2AU (a few were $2.45AU, and a couple were $3.95au). Maybe the shortage is only tempory, they'll be coming back at higher price (now we are hooked). (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Scott P. Costello
| | | | | | | (...) Believe it, we are paying $3 USD at TRU and $2 USD at Lego stores and S@H. Sounds like our aussie friends have a bargin on their hands. I guess this is fair as Lego usually treats you guys like second class citizens, I am just a little (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Pete White
| | | | | | | | (...) Australia soccer set rich, Bionicle rich, Legend set poor, Sculpture poor. pete.w (complain/applaud according to your theme orientation) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Richie Dulin
| | | | | | | | | (...) Hooray! Boo! Hiss! Shame! Richie Dulin Patrician of Brick-Morpork Who notes that Australia is also Discount-Millenium-Falcon challenged. (24 years ago, 18-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Richie Dulin
| | | | | | | (...) As a non-convert to Bionicles, I can't see Bionicle Mask packs even at $A2 as a "bargain"... you don't get alot for your money, Still, more bargain-like than the US pricing, I guess. :-) Cheers Richie Dulin Patrician of Brick-Morpork (Still (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Ian Dunmore
| | | | | I've visited your site, several times, but cannot download the excel spreadsheet (insufficent rights?). Becuase of a problem with my setup I cannot print the online page, and trying to print offline also fails (though I am usually to do this). (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles Martin Scragg
| | | | | (...) I have zipped up the spreadsheet now, so you can download it. Martin (24 years ago, 18-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
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| |  | | Re: Seduced to the Dark Side, Bionicles James Howse
| | | | (...) Are you free the 5thAug? That's when the next Sydney fest is on and I'm sure there will be masks being traded there. See the "NEXT SYDNEY MEET" posts for details of time and place. We'd love to see you along if you can make it. James (who does (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jul-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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