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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 2992
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Re: Guarded Inn Gone??? (Not yet...Soon?)
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 23:55:22 GMT
20 times
In lugnet.castle, Tom Stangl writes:
Benjamin Medinets wrote:

Would TLG really go into the production of a new group of Guarded Inns once
the initial run has expired?

Yes and No.  I think there is a time period of sets, and I highly doubt that
the set will only available for only a month or two.  But if it wasn't doing
too well (which it isn't the case!!!) and over several months...they would
let the supply exhaust itself....standard merchandising procedure.

This is part of the Legends line, and I seem to remember Brad saying they would
NOT be limited runs.

Yep, here it is -

"To answer in advance a couple of questions which I suspect may arise: LEGO
  Legends are different from the "classic" reissues which were announced a
  couple of weeks ago. Those classics are not intended to be a long-running
  series, whereas LEGO Legends is."

Of course, does the mean the Legends CONCEPT will be a long-running series, or the
availibility of each Legends set will be long-running?

Only Brad can answer that, I'm sure.

My interpretation was that the Legends "theme" will be long-running.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Guarded Inn Gone??? (Not yet...Soon?)
(...) This is part of the Legends line, and I seem to remember Brad saying they would NOT be limited runs. Yep, here it is - (URL) answer in advance a couple of questions which I suspect may arise: LEGO Legends are different from the "classic" (...) (24 years ago, 13-Jul-01, to lugnet.castle,

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