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Re: Marsek Blue might be available soon... S@H FAll 2002
lugnet.general, lugnet.harrypotter
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:32:29 GMT
3749 times
In lugnet.general, John Neal writes:
In lugnet.general, Mike Petrucelli writes:
I just got new Fall 2002 catalog and on the cover is the new 4728 Escape from
Privet Drive set.  The Car is quite prominent and might be the light blue (NOT
sand blue) from Life on Mars, but it sure looks like the pictures of Marsek
Blue I have seen lately.  Either way that is awesome.

-Mike Petrucelli

My question: are the slopes on the roof dark gray?


Hi John,
I got this set yesterday. Car is LOM light blue and the slopes are indeed
dark gray.

I really like the set.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Marsek Blue might be available soon... S@H FAll 2002
(...) My question: are the slopes on the roof dark gray? -John (22 years ago, 17-Sep-02, to lugnet.general, lugnet.harrypotter)

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