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 Dear LEGO / 1245
1244  |  1246
Re: Help The Homeless In Legoville!
Mon, 3 Jan 2000 18:38:20 GMT
1233 times

Calm down... calm down.  There is a solution to your problem.
May I suggest that you buy a few of the basic brick buckets?

How is that going to help me, or the average child builder, build
everything I mentioned in my note?  I wasn't *just* talking about houses,
you know.  Please read my whole note:

Also, what kind of roofing do basic brick buckets have?  Do they have
windows in basic brick buckets?  Doors?  Do they have all the bricks
necessary to make minifig scale shelving for libraries, stadium seating
for minifig scale movie theatres?  Are there the kind of bricks you need
to make a classroom?  Does a basic bucket provide enough parts to make
something truly interesting and unique?

And where is the inspiration?  You want to build a LEGO car, you've got
lots of models to work from.  If you want to build a house, all you have
is 20 year old idea books, if you are lucky.  Where are today's children
supposed to get the inspiration from?

You go into a store and look at LEGO on the shelves, and you see NOTHING
to indicate the potential the bricks have for building all kinds of
things.  All you see are vehicles, vehicles, and more vehilcles.  Boys
stuff.  Why aren't there any houses or buildings (apart from the awful
police stations and fire departments)?  Doesn't LEGO realize that a wider
range of sets would result in a wider audience?

Please read if you still don't
understand my post.

"Calm down" indeed.

-Laura Gjovaag

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Help The Homeless In Legoville!
(...) *A* basic bucket? Well.... depending on your situation, maybe, and maybe not. As it was, I bought my boys 4 buckets of LEGO with about a thousand bricks in each. This seemed to solved _their_ housing problem. I don't know what it would take (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jan-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Help The Homeless In Legoville!
Laura, Calm down... calm down. There is a solution to your problem. May I suggest that you buy a few of the basic brick buckets? With such, you can build all the housing for your minifigs that they could ever want. Since there are no minifigs in the (...) (25 years ago, 1-Jan-00, to lugnet.dear-lego)

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