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 Castle / 14336
14335  |  14337
Re: The Epic Chronicles of Ikros
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 00:05:52 GMT
1290 times
In lugnet.castle, Anthony Sava writes:
The return of the epic or just a really long short story?

Yes, it's finally here.  My friends, I am very proud to bring to you the final
installment to the Chronicles of Ikros.  I want to thank all of you who have
supported my work over these past two years, you've all been part of the
driving force behind this story.

It's also time for those of you who had predictions to find out who is right
and who isn't.  Pull out your wallets now folks, the betting window is closed.

And now, without further ado, I am very pleased to present to you:

The Chronicles of Ikros

Chapter 36: Strings of the Puppeteer
Chapter 37: Something to Lose
Chapter 38: Sins Revealed
Chapter 39: War's End
Chapter 40: The Final Siege
and the Epliogue

But more importanlty:

I present to you the Chronicles of Ikros, in it's entirety.  All fourty, fully
illustrated chapters are online and ready for public viewing.

I hope you all enjoy my work, it's been a fun trip.  I hope you all enjoy how
the story comes to a close.

And of course, PLMKWYT!


I was so right with the dracolich syceth and Daravon saving the day.


why wasn't Daravon at the battle

When you publish lets just say I already own a copy. wink wink nudge nudge
hint hint.
How much and is it one big boook 2 books 4 books or what

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Epic Chronicles of Ikros
(...) Well, if I recall, and correct me if I'm wrong, you said the dracolich would be the black dragon raised as the undead and Daravon would save the day by cutting off Garalt's head. So you were only half right on those two. Dead right on Scythe (...) (22 years ago, 14-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Epic Chronicles of Ikros
The return of the epic or just a really long short story? Yes, it's finally here. My friends, I am very proud to bring to you the final installment to the Chronicles of Ikros. I want to thank all of you who have supported my work over these past two (...) (22 years ago, 13-Sep-02, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.publish) ! 

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