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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 959
958  |  960
Re: Site change suggestion
Fri, 30 Jun 2000 13:25:39 GMT
860 times
In, James J. Trobaugh wrote:

I guess I'm throw in my 2cents also. I think there can be a good middle area
with use of the keyboard and pointing device. I know back when I was doing
AutoCAD and 3D Studio work (in the pre-windows era) that I was the most
efficent when I had one hand on the keyboard and the other on the pointing
device (HP Digitizer). Basicly I used the keyboard for all my commands and the
Digitizer for selecting objects, directions, or regions. I considered myself
an expert but can never imagin having to type in abosulte cordinates for were
I want something to be on my design. On the other hand I would never want to
move my cursor away from the design area to go select a command from the menu.

Hmm.  Sounds like each command-keystroke should be duplicated, so there can
be a set of left-hand keys, and a set of right-hand keys.  That way, no
matter which hand we mouse with, we can touch-type the command-keys!  :)

And no, I'm not *exactly* joking about this.  Being a lefty, I really
appreciate that Microsoft specified both right- and left-hand keystrokes
for cut, copy, and paste.  Simultaneously keying and mousing makes for a
very powerful method of interfacing.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Site change suggestion
(...) the (...) menu. (...) Or even better do the short cut keys like Autocad where the user can customize which keys are assocated with what commands. (25 years ago, 30-Jun-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Site change suggestion
(...) with (...) I guess I'm throw in my 2cents also. I think there can be a good middle area with use of the keyboard and pointing device. I know back when I was doing AutoCAD and 3D Studio work (in the pre-windows era) that I was the most efficent (...) (25 years ago, 29-Jun-00, to

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