Re: OMR Model Creation/Submission Rules
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 14:08:29 GMT
1050 times
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I think you guys are missing the point of Tom's excellent suggestion. Notice
the "0" in front of the 2916 line. That means he's just including commentary
on where the part will go if and when it becomes official. It makes it much
easier to add it in when that time comes. Since it's just a comment, it won't
generate a "file not found" message or anything like that.
If someone has made a mock-up and taken the trouble to correctly place it in a
model, it's silly to completely delete that information, only to have to put
it back at a later point. Although, now that I think about it, there could be
problems if the insertion point of the official part is not the same as the
insertion point of the mock-up.
Anyway, good idea, Tom!
-John Van
Tim Courtney <> wrote in message
> At 01:53 AM 6/24/99 +0000, Scott R Dennett wrote:
> > > 0 1 12 -4 50 10 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 2916.file
> > >
> > > thats my idea? anyone agree?
> > > so that way when it is official, you can delete the comment,
> > and the " 0 "
> >
> > NO. NO MOCK-UPS ARE ALLOWED. It doesn't matter wether or not
> > they are commented or not. We decided to use only pieces that
> > are
> > 'official', parts that everyone has.
> Correct. Allowing mockups would cause confusion and inconsistency
> throughout the repository. Comment out the parts that do not exist and
> leave the part blank.
> -Tim Courtney
> Project Coordinator
> AIM: timcourtne
> ICQ: 23951114
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: OMR Model Creation/Submission Rules
| (...) suggestion. Notice (...) including commentary (...) makes it much (...) comment, it won't (...) correctly place it in a (...) to have to put (...) there could be (...) same as the (...) I think that if it is something like 0 insert piece 2916 (...) (26 years ago, 24-Jun-99, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: OMR Model Creation/Submission Rules
| (...) Correct. Allowing mockups would cause confusion and inconsistency throughout the repository. Comment out the parts that do not exist and leave the part blank. -Tim Courtney Project Coordinator (URL) timcourtne ICQ: 23951114 (26 years ago, 24-Jun-99, to
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