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[LDAO] New beta version available
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:48:33 GMT
637 times
I've uploaded a new beta of LDAO.  It includes a bunch of changes, and it
needs a good shake-down cruise.

I've posted more information, and the download file, on my GeoCities site.
Go to <> for the whole

The information there says to e-mail comments to me directly, but if you'd
rather post them here, I'm fine with that.


Message has 6 Replies:
  Re: [LDAO] New beta version available
Cool, snap-ins. Steve Bliss wrote in message <>... (...) (25 years ago, 30-Jun-99, to
  Re: [LDAO] New beta version available
The subdirectory access makes life a whole lot easier :) The only problems I've foungd so far is that you can not move a file to another directory, but you can place a copy of it there. The other thing is, on the computer I'm on now, the family (...) (25 years ago, 30-Jun-99, to
  Re: [LDAO] New beta version available
After I downloaded the new version of LDAO, I noticed one problem. In the VEC, the only piece that did show up was one that I had moved to a different catergory. It didn't tell me to update the Vec or anything, and all the images were there. I tried (...) (25 years ago, 2-Jul-99, to
  Re: [LDAO] New beta version available
It gives me a broken link when I click on the installer Steve Bliss wrote in message <>... (...) (25 years ago, 2-Jul-99, to
  Re: [LDAO] New beta version available
(...) (Apologies in advance for the jw-esque question...) I've been out of touch for the past three weeks, but a quick review of the ng's don't show anything new for LDAO. Has this version (2.10 beta announced 1999-06-29) been released yet? Whoops, (...) (25 years ago, 24-Aug-99, to
  Re: [LDAO] New beta version available
(...) steve, did you address the issue with the inliner converting type 5 lines to type 4?? (i came across this problem again recently (in 2.0.4) and just wondered if it was on your "to fix" list for the next release) also.. this is a minor nitpick, (...) (25 years ago, 25-Aug-99, to

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