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Re: "2001: A Lego Odyssey" - A New Lego Movie!
lugnet.animation, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001,,,, lugnet.cad.mlcad
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 08:56:56 GMT
23 times
Yeah, great movie! But we should not continue this discussion on lugnet.cad.mlcad.
I have a feeling it does not belong here.



Jonathan Mizner wrote:

In lugnet.publish.cinema, Marc Atkin writes:
Hi all,

It is my very great pleasure to announce that my newest movie, "2001: A Lego
Odyssey" is now playing at a website near you! It's been a labor of love, and
one of the reasons I got a digital camcorder in the first place. Of course it's
a homage to "2001: A Space Odyssey" (how timely!), and if you liked that movie,
you won't want to miss this one! It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry,
it'll make you say "what the heck is that supposed to mean", just like you did
in Stanley Kubrick's original movie!

If interested, please visit

and download a version appropriate to your connection speed. It's a four minute
movie, so the files are *very* large, but well worth it in my honest opinion.
:) Make sure the sound is turned up!

Have a very Happy New Year!
-- Marc Atkin

P.S. Sorry for the large crosspost - the movie contains parts relevant to all
these groups - you'll see...

  To make the 17th reply, YOUR MOVIE IS AWESOME!  I haven't had a chance to
see the original yet (although I have read the book), but your expert use of
a camera, and the plotline, made it beyond words.  Of course, some people
cannot appreciate the quality, depth, and hard work that went into that
movie.  Overall, the high points of it in my opinion was the brick-wall
scene, that really cool spaceship (please post better pictures of it- I
would like to see the engine assembly in detail), and the monolith
transforming into a Mindstorms computer (why???  Is that something in the
movie?).  I sincerely hope that you will make a continuation of this movie.
Great job!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "2001: A Lego Odyssey" - A New Lego Movie!
(...) To make the 17th reply, YOUR MOVIE IS AWESOME! I haven't had a chance to see the original yet (although I have read the book), but your expert use of a camera, and the plotline, made it beyond words. Of course, some people cannot appreciate (...) (24 years ago, 4-Jan-01, to lugnet.animation, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2001,,,, lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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