Re: Mark's Lego Creations Update! 1/3/01
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 04:16:59 GMT
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in article, Jonathan Mizner wrote:
> Pretty neat design. I must agree with Mladen, though. It lacks
> excitement. The Neverwhere was interesting, with secret weapons, opening
> compartments, and a radical new design. The ISP HF-300 is just kind of,
> well, boring. No offense, but it would have been better if it had some sort
> of special features, or else a more streamlined shape. It looks like a
> cross between a blocky, run-of-the-mill mass-cargo transport, and a
> high-speed courier.
That's what it is: an IPS Freighter. It's made to haul stuff real fast.
Modern-day UPS trucks aren't very exciting either.
> In fact, it looks an awful lot like my pitiful attempts
> to build medium-sized ships. It lacks detail, in short.
It's supposed to look like a sleek, corporate shipping vessel.
> Add weapon pods, turrets,
Why? It's a corporate freighter. It travels the Space Police patrolled
shipping lanes. Besides, if every freighter had weapons, then Jonathan
Splork wouldn't have anything to do in the Lightnin' Jack. ;^)
> sensors
It has those in the front.
> windows
It has those in the cockpit.
> , a hanger
On a freighter?
> or something else unusual.
On a corporate vehicle?
> Perhaps even a few movable fins even?
Hmmm.. I don't think so.
> Overall, it has some neat elements (design, not parts). But I believe that a
> design is either one of two things: based of a unique shape, or based on
> unique arrangement of pieces.
So it's not a design? Huh? This was *designed* to look like a corporate
shipping vessel.
> It doesn't seem to be one or the other. Please do not interpret this comment
> as negative. I do like this ship, as I do all of your creations. But I like
> your other models better than this one.
Well, it is negative, but that's ok. You aren't required to like all my
models all the time. I'm not offended. :^)
However, when making criticisms, you might first consider the intent of the
model. This thing wasn't supposed to be a souped-up bounty hunter's ship
like the Neverwhere. It's supposed to be a corporate freighter.
I suppose people have become too used to seeing radical designs from me :^)
> Whatever happened to the Spiffcraft X-1? Was it ever found? Is there
> going to be a follow-up on it?
We shall see. Basically it depends on when I get enough time and the
inclination to make a story.
Thanks for your comments.
~Mark "Muffin Head" Sandlin
Mark's Lego(R) Creations
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Mark's Lego Creations Update! 1/3/01
| (...) Sorry to interrupt, Mark maybe you should read this: This is what the O-great Sproaticus once told me when I asked him what he thought of one of my really boring models... Jeremy Sproat: Would you believe me if I told you that I have a couple (...) (24 years ago, 4-Jan-01, to,
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Mark's Lego Creations Update! 1/3/01
| (...) Pretty neat design. I must agree with Mladen, though. It lacks excitement. The Neverwhere was interesting, with secret weapons, opening compartments, and a radical new design. The ISP HF-300 is just kind of, well, boring. No offense, but it (...) (24 years ago, 4-Jan-01, to,
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