Re: Rebirth of Cool LEGO Site of the Week
Sat, 6 Jul 2002 08:56:56 GMT
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In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
> There are a few people interested in running/helping with a continuation of
> Cool LEGO Site of the Week, and I know I'm not alone in wanting it back. Let's
> begin a fresh conversation on this!
Coolio's :)
> Some issues to focus on:
> - best format. Brainstorm!(What'd be fun, most fair, best exposure)
I kinda liked what you had before, that seemed to work ok?... something of
interest would be great, something attracting...
> - how to execute it (working it in to LUGNET. forms? coding)
Hmmm... I have read some good ideas from others posts... so I agree with
some of them there... Is changing the name really a great idea? as it is
what it is "cool site of the week", and nothing else, anyone wants it to be
anything else, should just ask for something that would fit that category
and make it, it's own section... just my thought anyway... don't change the
name though... that's my vote. I think it would be nice for others to
submit other people's sites as there are a few that many may not have seen
yet and I wouldn't mind submitting them. I'm not sure about the limiting of
only 5 sites per week to be submitted as someone suggested... that'd turn me
off a little and possibly others too? I think it would be fun to have
people from different country's to be involved, that makes it more of a
'real community' type thing and not just a local standard. Another thing,
it should be a fairly recent site, not something that seems dormant nor
updated since quite some time ago... etc
> - who'd be involved. their roles.
Someone who can devote that sort of time to keep it running, and someone who
is fair and honest, and somewhat open-minded to others creations, like it or
not. Someone who is highly motivated and enthusiastic, rather than
negatively minded (nothing I have said here should be seen that way either).
> - ease of maintenance, automation? longevity.
> - relationship to the past CLSotW project
something similar...
> - hosted by LUGNET? votes cast as LUGNET members?
Let the whole community join in... or LUGNET members only for obvious
> My biggest concern has been my lack of resources to devote to a new startup. >So your help and energy are really appreciated!
I'm sure you'd have enough people standing behind you watching, waiting and
ready to go.... it'd give the community some motivation to get back into
LEGO... otherwise they drop off after awhile, sell their collection and
become bored as there is no proper reason for them to continue or show off
all their hard work... (kinda makes you feel like a Doozer)
And remember, there may not be many out there right now, but every day it
builds, and the more people who get into it and the more it gets advertised
that the CSotW is back and running, the better it could be later on... may
take some time, but you can't give up so early... and who said there won't
be any new sites etc popping up? there's a lot out there... trust me...
I've done some research for my own site...
If there is anything I can help with... LMK... :)
> -Suz
> Suzanne Rich
> LUGNET Admin
> for more volunteer opportunities, visit
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